Labor protection

Department of civil and labor protection of national research university "TIIAME"

Information about

1. On approval of the Regulation of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated June 9, 2017 "On the procedure for determining the civil protection structures of the Republic of Uzbekistan and their organizations and the norm of providing the structures with material and technical means (labeling) "On the basis of the decision No. 369, the International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan determines the principles of the organization of civil protection structures, the procedure for establishing civil protection structures, their organizational and staff structure, personnel, and the procedure for providing them with equipment and property.

·        civil protection - conducts in accordance with the state system of events to protect University employees, professors and students, territories, material and cultural resources from the dangers arising during military operations or as a result of these operations

·        civil protection service - organizes a set of functional units formed for the purpose of carrying out special measures of civil protection, training forces and means to ensure the actions of civil protection structures

·        civil protection structures - conduct measures in cooperation with non-state structures organized by the organization at the expense of its own employees to carry out specified civil protection measures.

·        civil protection forces - military units of civil protection, functional and object structures of general and special direction, formed for rescue and other urgent work.

2. Civil protection structures are established to carry out rescue operations in peacetime and military emergencies, as well as other civil protection measures. Structures are subject to the head of the facility.

Use of civil protection structures in peacetime By the decision of the head of civil protection of the facility, the structures can be used in peacetime to fight against large fires, to eliminate the consequences of natural disasters (floods, earthquakes, etc.), major accidents and disasters, and in emergency situations. It is also used in the implementation of other activities carried out within the ministry (command-staff, special-tactical, facility training exercises, all activities related to the preparation of the population for emergency situations).