
Postgraduate education - a type of continuing education aimed at meeting the needs of society in scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel of higher qualification;

Institute of postgraduate education - a system of implementation of postgraduate education in higher educational institutions (hereinafter - HEI) or research institutions (hereinafter - RI) in the form of basic doctoral studies, doctoral studies or self-study;

Basic doctoral studies - a form of postgraduate education in the specialty of scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel of higher qualification, organized in HEI or HEI for applicants for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (hereinafter - PhD) in-depth study of specialty and the conduct of their scientific research in order to prepare and defend a doctoral thesis, while leaving work, funded by the State Budget of the Republic of Uzbekistan;

Doctoral studies - a form of postgraduate education in the specialty of scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel of higher qualification, organized in the HEI or HEI for applicants for the degree of Doctor of Science (Doctor of Science, hereinafter - DSc) in-depth study of specialty and the conduct of scientific research in order to prepare and defend a doctoral thesis, while leaving work, funded from the State Budget of the Republic of Uzbekistan;

Independent study - a form of postgraduate education in the specialty of scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel of higher qualification, organized in HEI or RI for applicants for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) or Doctor of Science (DSc) in-depth study of specialty and the conduct of scientific research in order to prepare and defend a doctoral thesis without interrupting work;

Doctoral student - a person enrolled in accordance with the established procedure in the basic doctoral or doctoral studies of HEI or RI;

Independent co-applicant - a person registered in the prescribed manner in the HEI or RI for independent co-application;

Applicant - a person preparing a doctoral thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) or Doctor of Science (DSc).

In order to solve existing problems and difficulties of researchers:

·        Since 2019, the Ministry of Innovative Development of the Republic of Uzbekistan carries out the formation of orders on quotas for admission to the system of postgraduate education, registration and registration of documents, monitoring of performance in a unified electronic system of coordination ( of postgraduate education in the test mode;

·        A telegram group (Doktorantura online) was created to ensure the rapid exchange of information, as well as regular consultations on emerging issues between responsible officials of ministries, departments and universities and research organizations;


1.    On the measures to further improve the post-higher education system

2.    On improving the targeted training system of highly qualified scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel

3.    On measures to ensure the transparency and increase the effectiveness of the processes of training personnel of scientific level