Master`s Department
Dean of «Master`s Department »
Yangiev Asror Abdikhamidovich
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor
Telephone number : (+99871) 2372209
About the Master's Department
"Department of Master's Degree" at the university to date according to the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. PF-5789 of August 27, 2019 "On the introduction of the system of continuous professional development of the management and pedagogic personnel of higher educational institutions", Ministers Approved by order No. 116 of April 2, 2015 of the Minister of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan based on the decision No. 36 of March 2, 2015 "On Approving the Statute on the Master's Degree" Activities are carried out in accordance with the Regulation on Master's Degree.
In the departments responsible for master's specialties at the university, the most qualified professors and teachers, namely doctors of science and professors, candidates of science and associate professors, as well as highly qualified practitioners with high work experience in production, are involved in the educational process of master's students. is also involved. To date, there are 120 qualified teaching staff under the management of departments for master's majors are engaged in pedagogical activities. In the 2023-2024 academic year, 1st-2nd year graduate students are studying in 39 master's majors, of which 8 majors are newly opened: 7030102-Economics (by industries and sectors), 70411302-Business management (Master's of Business Administration-MBA), 70710201-Biotechnology (by product type), 70310109-Bioeconomy, 70420128-Transboundary water and land relations law, 70722702-Aerospace technologies and sustainable development (by networks and sectors), 70710704-Electrotechnology processes and structures (by sectors), 71010401-Tourism (by types of activity).
Master's specializations:
7030102-Economy (by industries and sectors)
70411302-Business Management (Master of Business Administration-MBA)
70410101-Accounting (by sectors and industries)
70710201-Biotechnology (by type of product)
70411201-Management (in water management)
70412501-Marketing (in water industry)
70412301-Organization and management of water management
70710601-Electrical supply (in water industry)
70711401-Technological processes and production automation (in water industry)
70710901-Energy saving and energy audit (in water industry)
70711001-Alternative energy sources (by types)
70722601-Geodesy and geoinformatics
70730901-Hydrotechnical facilities (in water industry)
70810601-Usage and management of land resources
70810101-Agricultural mechanization (by sectors)
70810501-Energy supply in agriculture and water management
70810502-Smart (intelligent) measuring systems and devices in water management
70812801- Construction and use of hydroelectric power stations
70812302- Reclamation and irrigated agriculture
70812306-Water-saving irrigation technologies
70812307- Perfect use and management of water resources
70530804-Hydraulics and engineering hydrology
70812401-Mechanization of hydromelioration works
71020201-Labor protection, safety of production and technological processes (in agriculture and water management)
70812501-Use of hydraulic facilities, their reliability and safety
70730904-Organization and technology of construction of hydraulic facilities
70812502-Operation and diagnosis of pumping stations and devices
70710505-Mini and micro hydroelectric plants
70111202-Engineering graphics and design theory
70710401-Environmental protection (in agriculture and water management)
70710406-Waste management
70710401-Environmental protection (Geoinformation systems)
70710401-Environmental protection (Management of international land and water resources)
70722702-Aerospace technologies and sustainable development (by sectors and industries)
70420128-The right of transboundary water and land relations
70710704-Electrotechnological processes and structures (by networks)
70111202-Engineering graphics and design theory
71010401-Tourism (by type of activity)
Educational process and scientific activity
Various scientific seminars have been organized in order to develop the process of integration between the educational process and scientific research work and production in the training of masters. "Republican fair of innovative ideas, technologies and projects", which is organized every year, along with active participation in national and international exhibitions, based on the fact that master's students are aware of the latest news of science and development for their master's theses. Master's students participate in and become aware of the scientific ideas and developments put forward by the scientists of our country.
In order to ensure the integration between the institute and organizations related to the field in the organization of the educational process, practical and laboratory training, qualification practices are being conducted on the basis of various organizations and research institutes:
Scientific research institutes under the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
Designing institutes under the Ministry of Water Economy;
Organizations and scientific research institutes belonging to the Cadastre Agency under the State Tax Committee;
Center "Uzgidromet";
"Uzbekhydroenergo" JSC;
State inspection "Davsuvkhujaliknazorat";
State Committee for Nature Protection;
"Technolog" JSC;
Every year, 20-25% of graduates are directed to pedagogical and scientific activities
To the Decree of the Minister of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated November 26, 2015 No. 2734 "On approval of the regulation on the procedure for internships by students of master's specialties of higher educational institutions" In order to ensure the implementation of the order, internships on master's thesis topics were organized based on the PROGRAM made by the Rector of the University with Research Institutes and Centers and industry organizations.
Graduate students regularly participate in national and international exhibitions. The following inventions, start-up projects, mobile application and EXM programs created by them were highly appreciated: drone construction under Agroqanot Zamindar project:
Device for controlling the pumping station and monitoring the seepage water level by telephone;
GSM-technologies in agricultural submersible pump management;
Smart Farmer (for mobile application);
Defuse-it project.
Master's students regularly participate in international "Summer School" courses of Central Asian countries.
Organization of the educational process
The decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 190 of September 10, 2007 "On measures to further improve the activities of the master's degree in the higher education system of the Republic of Uzbekistan and increase its efficiency" and the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan Master's studies on the basis of the Regulation "On Master's Degree" approved by Resolution No. 36 dated March 2, 2015 and Order No. 116 of the Minister of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated April 2, 2015 process is underway. In the departments responsible for all master's degrees at the university, based on this Regulation, the “Master's student's educational-methodical, scientific-research, pedagogical and professional practice activity calendar" and "Master's dissertation completion calendar" are defined in the "Personal work plan of the master's student” and the master's students carry out the work that should be done during their activity based on the established plan.
In addition, lectures, practical and laboratory classes on the subjects specified in the curriculum of the majors are held on four days of the week in accordance with the class schedule, and on Fridays and Saturdays of the week in the departments where the master's students are responsible for the majors. Reports and presentations are being made on their work. Starting from the 2023-2024 academic year, more than 80% of subjects are taught in English to 1st-2nd year undergraduates, 1st-year undergraduates are taught "Modern scientific research work, the procedure for writing articles in prestigious journals, contacting foreign universities, preparing documents and managing grants" master class seminars are being conducted by experienced specialists who have worked abroad. Based on the fact that the educational process at the master's degree is focused on scientific research and scientific pedagogical activities, it is established that at the end of the semesters, the master's students will be certified in scientific activity in the departments. In accordance with the established plan, the master's students are making presentations about the research work they have carried out during the semester.
International relations
At the university, 70710401-Environmental protection (use of international land and water resources), 70710401-Environmental protection (geo-information systems), 70710401-Environmental protection (in agriculture and water management), 70710201-Biotechnology (product type on), 70310109-Bioeconomy, international relations have been established in several specialties. For example, Michigan State University in the USA, Slovak Agricultural University in Nitra, Slovak Republic, University of Mississippi in the USA and Obuda University in Hungary, China Urumchi Xinjiang Institute of Ecology and Geography, Beijing Institute of Water Resources and Hydroelectric Power Stations, Italy Turin Polytechnic University. It is expected that the scientific internship of the 2nd master's students will be held in prestigious foreign universities.