Department of Scientific Research and Innovation

Head of the department

Kuziyev Ulugbek Tadjiyevich

t.s.p.d PhD

Tel: (+99871) 237 19 61


About the section

In order to train scientific and pedagogical personnel, a postgraduate course was opened at the department in 1936. Along with qualified specialists, many foreign scientists studied and defended their dissertations for academic degrees at the postgraduate school. By 1965, the number of graduate students had reached 50. Among them were many local postgraduates. Currently, the department of operates as a part of the Vice-Rector for Research and Innovation of the Institute in order to train personnel by industry. Currently, the department has 2 full-time units (head and engineer of the 1st category) and 5 additional assistants. Great importance is the organization of the department, mainly in the Institute of Scientific Research, Innovation and Training of Scientific and Pedagogical Personnel. The contribution of the management of the Institute, as well as leading scientists and specialists in the formation of the department is invaluable. In particular, the rector of our Institute, prof. U.P.Umurzakov, the 1st vice-rector, prof. B.S.Mirzaev, the vice-rector for Research and Innovation, Prof. T.Z.Sultanov the contribution are invaluable. In the department was guided by dots. H.I.Turkmenov (1989-1990), dots. Tojikin (1990-1991), prof. A. G’. Sherov (2003-2006), dots. A.B.Urazkeldiev (2011-2012), dots. B.F.Sultanov (2012-2013), prof.S.X.Isaev (2014-2018), prof. Sh.J.Imamov (2018-2021) B.Sh.Matyakubov. The result of their efforts, the department is a leader in the republic in research work, the creation of innovative developments and the training of scientific and pedagogical personnel. At present, the department is headed by PhD. U.T.Kuziev

Main activities of the department

Ensuring the effective integration of science, education and production by conducting research on fundamental, applied and innovative projects together with interested organizations and implementing their results in practice, organizing the effective use of the existing potential of the Institute in the implementation of practical and innovative research aimed at solving scientific and technical problems together with research institutes. In addition, it includes scientific and technical base, increasing of scientific and scientific-pedagogical potential, extending the use of scientific achievements in the training of highly qualified competitive personnel.


Charter of the Department of Scientific Research and Innovation