
Who was given the privilege when enrolling in OTM?

1. Zulfiya State Prize laureates

By the Presidential Decree of June 10, 1999 [PF-2326], the Zulfiya State Prize is awarded to gifted girls of fourteen years and no more than thirty years of age who have achieved special achievements in education, science, literature, culture, art, sports and public activities.

Students who are laureates of the Zulfiya State Prize are admitted to the baccalaureate of Osms, and undergraduate students are admitted to the Magistracy on the basis of state grants without entrance tests in the relevant direction and specialty.

2. Military personnel with a recommendation

On the basis of the joint [3215] decision of the heads of the ministries of Defense, Internal Affairs, Emergency Situations, the DXX and the National Guard, the procedure for issuing a recommendation to military personnel was approved on January 31, 2020.

РекламаAccording to him, the recommendations are given to the most worthy military personnel who have served in the Armed Forces of Uzbekistan for a period of military service, achieved high results in combat and spiritual and educational training, have the necessary level of knowledge, have demonstrated exemplary military discipline.

Applicants with a recommendation will have:

  • to the benefit in the form of additional points in the amount of 50% of the points earned by themselves based on the results of tests when entering the relevant educational areas in higher military educational institutions of the Republic;

higher educational institutions of the Republic (with the exception of higher military educational institutions) have the right to participate in the competition within the framework of separate admission indicators, which are allocated in addition to the admission parameters to the OSM for admission to The Bachelor's degree.

3. Children of military personnel of the Armed Forces

By the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of June 22, 2018 [№ 462], the children of military personnel of the armed forces were also provided with a privilege to enter educational institutions.

According to it, the military of the armed forces and employees of the ministries and departments that are part of it are issued recommendations for their children to enter higher education institutions of the Republic on a quota basis.

The recommendation is given to:

  • The Ministry (Departments)of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Uzbekistan, which made a worthy contribution to the strengthening of the country's defense power, achieved certain results in combat and scientific activities, included officers of actual service, contract military personnel and National Guard personnel belonging to sergeants and ordinary soldiers;
  • awarded to the children of contract servicemen and National Guard personnel who are part of the officers, sergeants and ordinary soldiers of the ministries and departments of the Armed Forces, who have died while fulfilling their duty of military service, become a person with disabilities as a result of injuries, contusions, injuries or diseases.

4. Winners of the state Prize « Mard oglon »

The president's resolution of November 21, 2017 [PQ-3402] approved the proposal of the Central Council of the Union of youth of Uzbekistan to submit the state award « Mard oglon » to representatives of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, regions and Tashkent City from 2 on the eve of Youth Day every year.

The state Prize « Mard oglon » is awarded to talented young men who are following the example of their peers with their success in studies, social activity and talent for outstanding achievements in the fields of science, education, medicine, culture, literature, art, sports, production, military service and in their activities in law enforcement agencies.

Applicants for the state Prize « Mard oglon » are considered by the commission on state awards and heraldry under the president of Uzbekistan. According to its results, proposals are made by the Commission to the president. The award of the state Prize « Mard oglon » is carried out by the decision of the president.

Students who are holders of the « Mard oglon » State Prize are admitted to the undergraduate stage of the OMS, while students of higher education institutions or young people with a bachelor's degree are admitted to the graduate stage on the basis of state grants without entrance exams in the relevant direction.

5. Children of employees of internal affairs bodies

By the decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of May 6, 2019 [№ 375], the regulation on the procedure for issuing a recommendation (submission) for the entry of employees of internal affairs bodies into state higher educational institutions and higher and secondary special educational institutions of the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Defense, the National Guard and the state customs committee was approved.

This regulation applies to the children of employees of the internal affairs bodies who have been disabled (except for foster children) due to injuries suffered or injuries suffered during the fight against terrorism and crime and ensuring public safety.

The recommendation for the state to enroll in The Bachelor of Education (except for the second education) is made by the minister based on the petition of the deputy minister of internal affairs — the head of the Main Directorate of Personnel.

In addition, in this order, Huddy is issued a submission by the minister for admission to higher (post-graduate, second and post-tertiary education) and secondary special education institutions of the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Defense, the National Guard and the state Customs Committee.

6. Applicants with the recommendation of the command of the military unit and the initial Organization of the Youth Union

By the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of June 20, 2017 [№ 393], a young military officer, one from each military unit, is admitted without exams in addition to the state grant quotas approved to higher educational institutions in accordance with the recommendation of the command (leadership) of the military unit and the primary organization of the Youth Union of Uzbekistan.

7. Those who have received the recommendation of the Youth Union of Uzbekistan

The Cabinet of Ministers approved the procedure for granting benefits to active members of the Youth Union of Uzbekistan when entering higher education institutions on November 14, 2017 by resolution [№ 914].

Based on the document, recommendations are given to captains in the Youth Union system of Uzbekistan, leaders of the direction in primary organizations, dedicated young people with two years of work experience. Recommendations will be submitted to one person (a total of 14 people) of Karakalpakstan, regions and the city of Tashkent.

Young people with recommendations are accepted on the basis of state grants for admission to educational institutions of Uzbekistan on the basis of the decision of the state commission on admission to the educational institutions of Uzbekistan on the basis of non-competitive tests and professional (creative) exams on the pedagogical educational areas of OTMs at the place of permanent residence.

8. Winners of international and Republican Olympiads, competitions and competitions

The resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of October 13, 2008 [№ 226] also granted benefits to graduates who have won international and Republican Olympiads, competitions, competitions, nominal scholarships.

International and national level competitions and competitions, on the basis of certificates issued to the winners of the Republican Olympiads, without a test and without additional exams (in their respective directions), are accepted into the educational areas of the Osms.

Students who are awarded a presidential state scholarship will be admitted on an additional state grant for 2 years after completing the baccalaureate, and students who hold a named state scholarship will be admitted on an additional state grant for 1 year after completing the baccalaureate without the entrance exams to the magistracy in the relevant specialty.

9. Nihol award winnersIn accordance with the Cabinet resolution of August 9, 2006 [№ 169], a total of five nominations-Variety, Music, Classical song, opera performance and dance arts — are awarded the « Nihol » award to the winners of the competitions. The winners of the state Prize" Zulfiya " do not participate in the competition.

Young people who receive the « Nihol » award are preferentially admitted to higher and secondary special educational institutions in the direction of culture, art (except for those who participate as an ensemble, team), will be able to learn from the outstanding artists of the country.

10. Winners of the Republican competition for Fine Arts of the Academy of Fine Arts

Based on the Presidential Decree of April 21, 2020 [PQ-4688], the winners of the Republican competition for Fine Arts of the Academy of Fine Arts are granted a privilege to enter a higher education institution.

11. Winners of the Republican contest « educator of the year »

By the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of June 7, 2019 [№ 468], the winners of the Republican contest "educator of the year" are given the privilege of entering state higher education institutions without an exam for study.

12. Winners of the Republican competition « Nurse »

According to the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of June 20, 2017 [№ 393], the winners of the Republican competition « Nurse » of Nurses of medical institutions will be accepted on the basis of state grants without non-competitive entrance exams (tests, professional (creative) exam, written exam)to higher educational institutions, suitable educational areas.

13. Orphans in full public supply

On the basis of the Presidential Decree of August 9, 2021 [PQ-5216], from the total number of admission of applicants to higher education institutions, graduates of the House Of Mercy and children's town, SOS-Children's neighborhoods and family orphanages, as well as orphans (patronage) brought up to guardianship or family (under the age of twenty — five), up to one

14. Applicants with a certificate of qualification V1 and higher in the state sample on the level of knowledge of a foreign language

By the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of June 20, 2017 [№ 393] on the level of knowledge of a foreign language issued by the state test center, applicants with a certificate of qualification of V1 and above in the state sample are given the maximum score established in the corresponding foreign language subject in the directions in which foreign language

15. Applicants with international examination systems certificates

According to the Cabinet resolution of June 7, 2019 [ 468], applicants with certificates of Advanced International examination systems (TOEFL, IELTS, CEFR, SAT General, SAT Subject, etc.) will be exempted from the test within the framework of the subject when enrolling and given a maximum score.

16. Women with 5 years of work experience in a specialty in a college or technical school

In accordance with the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of June 9 [№ 322], women with 5 years of work experience in their specialty in a college or technical diploma will be admitted to the OSCE on a contract basis. In this case, a separate test is carried out among applicants with a recommendation, among which only 500 people with a high score can enter the OSM.

17. Recommendation for underprivileged women

By the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of June 23, 2020 [№ 402], an additional 4 percent grant will be allocated when entering the OSM for women in disadvantaged families with the recommendation of the State Committee for family and women.

18. Applicants with at least 5 years of work experience in economic sectors

By the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of November 4, 2021 [№ 675], citizens with a working age of at least 5 years are issued a recommendation for entry into education on a differentiated fee-contract basis according to the results of the interview.

19. Preventive inspectors

In accordance with the Presidential Decree of November 30, 2021 [PQ-№ 23], more than 3 years of work experience in the internal affairs bodies from the 2022/2023 academic year, selfless, enterprising preventive (Senior) Inspectors of the profession will be admitted to the correspondence form of education without the following:

  • University of Public Safety;
  • Tashkent State Law University;
  • in the field of jurisprudence, there is a bachelor's degree in education to another State University (with the exception of the University of world economy and diplomacy, the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Customs Institute of the state Customs Committee).

In this case, a commission is established to give recommendations for training to preventive (senior) inspectors, and candidates are subjected to test examinations.

Recommendations are evenly distributed among the OSM.

Enrollment is pay-per-contract and contract funds are paid at the expense of the Republican budget.

20. Active members of the motherland support movement

On the basis of the Presidential Decree of March 2, 2022 [PQ-150], the military-patriotic movement of children and adolescents "Motherland" under the Ministry of Defense, and its detachments will be organized in schools. He will be given a preferential recommendation for admission to the OSM for one of the students of the 10th-11th grades, who are involuntarily members. This takes into account his participation in the activity of the movement and his grades at school.