Important dates

Key dates in academic activity in 2023

· On February 15-16, a conference on "Social, economic and spiritual support of women scientists in modernizing Uzbekistan".

· On February 24-25, the conference on "Solving the problems of automation, digitalization, introduction of intelligent systems and their implementation" in the economy.

March 22 - World Water Day.

· On April 6-8, the conference on "Construction mechanics, hydraulics, hydraulic engineering and water resources: problems and prospects".

April 18-20 conference on "Priority directions of land resources management in Uzbekistan: problems and solutions".

· April 22 - World Earth Day.

· May 11-12 conference on "Agroengineering and green infrastructure solutions (AEGIS-2023)".

· June 5 - World Environment Day.

· September 21-22 conference on "Ecological technologies and engineering for sustainable development (ETESD-2023)".

· On October 6-7, a conference on "Water-energy - food security in the conditions of global climate change and water scarcity" will be held.

· On October 12-13, the conference on the theme "Fourth International Energy, Construction and Agricultural Engineering Conference" will be held.

· October 17-18 conference on "Innovative-technological development of science and technology in transport-technological systems".

· December 22 - Energy workers' day.


· January 14 - Defender of the Fatherland Day

· February 9 - Alisher Navoi's birthday

· February 14 - Zahiriddin Muhammad Babur's birthday

· March 8 - International Women's Day

· March 21 - Navruz national holiday, Abdulla Oripov's birthday

· April 9 - the birthday of Sohibqiran Amir Temur

· May 9 - Day of Remembrance and Appreciation

· June 1 - International Children's Day

· June 30 - Youth Day

· September 1 - Independence Day

· October 11 - Day of teachers and coaches

· October 21 - the day when the Uzbek language was granted the status of the State language

· December 8 - Constitution Day