Youth Union


Leader of the youth union

Yarbekova Mokhinur Mirzabekovna

Tel: +99894-345-98-64



Mohinur Mirzabek kizy Yarbekova, head of the primary youth organization of the National Research University "Tas’hkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers". She was born on September 26, 1996 in the Zarbdor district of the Jizzakh region. In 2012-2015, s’he was the coordinator of the Kamolot organization and the head of the “Turan” team at the College of Information Technology. In 2015-2017 - coordinator of the project “Yosh tadbirkor - yurtga madadkor” in the Jizzakh region. Since 2022 he has been rolled in the first year of the faculty of Hydromelioration of the National Research University "Tas’hkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Yengineers". In 2022, she heads the  Women's Youth Union of University. Since October 5, 2023, he has been the youth head of the primary organization of the Youth Union of the National Research University "Tas’hkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers" and at the same time is the Youth Union of Uzbekistan, adviser to the rector of the University on youth issues.

The purpose of the primary organization

·        The primary goal of the primary organization is to be a student in a higher education institution

·        To protect their rights and interests, to strengthen their spiritual and ideological worldview, to support talented young people in every way and to increase their social activity, to spend their free time it consists of meaningful organization and support for the implementation of student-youth initiatives.

Tasks of the primary organization

·        Preparation of proposals for practical measures aimed at supporting students and young people in higher educational institutions, protecting legal rights and interests of students;

·        Organization of social and legal protection of orphans and students who are deprived of parental care, in need of social protection, as well as participation in the implementation of measures for social rehabilitation and social adaptation of students-youth who are victims of crime, students who are prone to commit crimes reach;

·        Educating students and young people in the spirit of love and loyalty to the motherland, to the mind of the teacher national inculcating the idea of independence, national values, religious tolerance, interethnic harmony and family values;

·        To inform students about the civil rights and duties stipulated in the Constitution and laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan, state policy regarding youth in the country in the field explaining the essence of the reforms being implemented;

Primary organization Youth Council:

The primary organization Youth Council is headed by the youth leader of the primary organization in the higher education institution of the Union. According to the positions held by the Youth Council:

·        Rector’s adviser on youth issues – Youth leader of the primary organization of the Youth Union of Uzbekistan at the institute;

·        Coordinator of intellectual projects;

·        Coordinator of five initiative projects;

·        Coordinator of military-patriotic projects;

·        Coordinator of entrepreneurial and innovative projects;

·        Coordinator of youth register and patronage programs;

·        The coordinator of female students includes;

·        Faculty coordinators;

The youth leader performs the following tasks:

·        Leads the activities of the primary organization;

·        Coordinates the effective organization of the activities of the primary organization, guides the activities of the youth leaders of the faculties Youth Councils and groups, provides methodological support to the activities of all leaders in the system, my members, my student-youth offer supports his patriots;

·        Leads the activities of the primary organization in the higher educational institution of the Union; protects the rights and interests of students of the higher education institution; - organizes the activities of the primary organization and works on its behalf;

·        Provides requested information, information and reports on the activity of the primary organization to the head of higher organizations and higher education institutions;

·        Works on the basis of the nomenclature established for the primary organization, ensures the fulfillment of the tasks of the heads of higher organizations and the rector of the higher educational institution;

·        Financial support of the start-up organization a separate room, desks and chairs, shelves, a set of computers, a printer, a projector, a screen, a digital camera and necessary office supplies are provided.

·        The measures specified in the work plan of the primary organization are included in the work plan of the higher education institution.

·        The Central Council of the Youth Union of Uzbekistan provides regulatory legal documents, methodological manuals and handouts related to the activity of the primary organization.