Scholarship holders

Talented students of the National Research University "TIIAME" who became holders of scholarships of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan and nominal state scholarships in the 2023/2024 academic years.

Utemuratova Asem Nazarbekova

Professional education: “Organization and management of water management"-5233000

a student of the 4th grade.


Bachelor's degree

The holder of the scholarship of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Scientific supervisor, Associate Professor of the Department of Economics

Sangirova Umida Ravshanovna

Abduraxmonov Nurbek Azzam ogli


Professional education: “Accounting and auditing"

student of the 4th degree.


Bachelor's degree

The holder of the State Scholarship of the Republic of Uzbekistan named after Navoi

Scientific supervisor, Associate Professor of the Department of Economics

Xakimov Rashid

Bektoshov Bexruz Nuriddin ogli


Professional education: “Water management and land reclamation” student of the 3rd stage.

Bachelor's degree

The holder of the State Scholarship of the Republic of Uzbekistan named after Islam Karimov

Scientific Supervisor, Head of the Department of Hydraulics and Hydroinformatics

Arifjanov Aybek Muxamedjanovich

Baxriddinova Nodiraxon Xasanbek qizi

Professional education: “Land cadastre and land use ”

a student of the 4th grade.


Bachelor's degree

The holder of the Beruni State Scholarship of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Scientific supervisor, Associate Professor of the Department of Geodesy and Geoinformatics

Inamov Aziz Nizamovich

Jamardov Sunnatillo Xolmurod o‘g‘li

Professional education: Geodesy and Geoinformatics

a student of the 3th grade.


Bachelor's degree

Holder of the Beruni State Scholarship of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Scientific supervisor, Associate Professor of the Department of Geodesy and Geoinformatics


Inamov Aziz Nizamovich

Abdukadirova Kamila Baxadirovna

Professional education: “Ecology and environmental protection

(In water option sector)”

student of the 4th degree.


Bachelor's degree

The holder of the Beruni State Scholarship of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Scientific Supervisor, Professor of the Department of Ecology and Water Resources Management

Radkevich Mariya Viktorovna

Uraimova Xonzodabegim Mirzaaziz qizi
Technology of storage and primary processing of agricultural products (by type of products)”

student of the 3th stage.


Bachelor's degree

The holder of the Beruni State Scholarship of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Scientific Supervisor, dean of the Faculty of agricultural mechanization

Shavazov Qodirjon Achilovich