National projects at the university
Scientific projects implemented by the university:
1. Intelligent solar water supply and fertilization system Integration and application of water-saving irrigation system.
The main goal of the project is to develop an automated intelligent system that saves energy, water, fertilizer - the ecosystem for irrigated areas in Uzbekistan.
Automation of crop management system for irrigated areas. Technologies for saving energy-water-fertilizer ecosystems will be developed.
2. Development of a theory and method for assessing the strength reliability of soil dams taking into account soil wetting and nonlinear filtration
In the project, the priority, stability and dynamics of earthen dams interacting with water, the structural inhomogeneity of the structure, the non-linear rheological properties of the soil material, the non-linear filtration and uneven wetting of water in the dam body, and the theory and calculation method, as well as new criteria (criteria) for evaluation, will be developed. The theory, calculation methods, algorithms, and EXM programs created as a result of the research are used in the calculation of concrete and earthen structures under construction, and determine in advance the dangerous and weakening sections of earthen dams under the influence of various forces. The results obtained from the research are applied to the educational process of design institutes, construction organizations and higher education, recommendations are made for additions to the normative documents of the construction industry.
3. In order to effectively use water resources, to assess and predict the impact of global climate change on the reclamation condition of irrigated lands, as well as to develop methods for creating electronic maps of hydromodule zoning of irrigated lands based on GAT technology.
Assessment of the impact of climate change on the reclamation of irrigated lands and development of methods for creating electronic maps of hydromodule zoning based on GAT and irrigation procedures of agricultural crops based on the CROPWAT program.
• The degree of climate change was analyzed through meteorological indicators.
• The methods of analyzing the impact of changes in natural and climatic conditions on the reclamation condition of irrigated lands will be improved.
• Water use rates were determined by modeling evapotranspiration.
• In calculating and calibrating the regime and rate of irrigation of agricultural crops, it is developed taking into account the results of many years of experience and field studies in the republic.
• Taking into account the natural and climatic conditions, the method of irrigation of agricultural crops in hydromodular regions will be developed using the SropWat computer program based on the international FAO method.
• Irrigation order and rates of agricultural crops are calculated according to FAO methods and universally accepted empirical formulas, and correlation coefficients are determined.
• Daily water consumption of crops is developed depending on changes in natural - climatic conditions.
• A method of determining the amount of irrigated land will be developed using space photographs;
• The system for determining the exact coordinates of monitoring wells located on irrigated lands using modern GNSS receivers will be improved;
• Electronic digital maps of groundwater distribution in irrigated lands will be developed using ArcGIS software based on the data obtained through melioration monitoring wells;
• A methodology for developing electronic digital maps of the mechanical composition of soils in irrigated lands will be created;
• Algorithm of hydromodule zoning of irrigated lands will be developed using the "Raster 12.Calculator" function of the ArcGIS program.
4. To develop the scientific basis for increasing the income of the population by organizing an effective system of walnut production and sale in the mountain region.
Assessment of the role of market infrastructures in increasing the income of the population due to the development of the nut production and sale system. Based on the research tasks, scientific substantiation of the share of costs for the formation of the final price in the value chain of walnut cultivation and sale in mountain and sub-mountain regions.
A monograph will be published on the topic "Scientific-theoretical foundations of the development of the walnut production and sale system in the mountain region"; a certificate of implementation is obtained. 2 Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) theses in economics are defended.
5. Development of theoretical bases and calculation mechanisms for creation of favorable climatic zones in individual regions
From the development of theoretical bases and calculation mechanisms for the creation of favorable climate zones in individual regions.
Recommendations are developed on alternative ways of forming microclimate zones in specific areas of the city where active economic and political life or comfortable recreation of citizens are planned; a certain set of rules will be created for the construction of climate control systems; their efficiency is evaluated taking into account water and energy costs.
6. Development of energy-saving technologies that increase the efficiency of pump station operating modes.
Development of an energy-informational model of chains of various physical nature that summarizes all physical effects, used in the initial design of intelligent sensors.
Based on the results of scientific research conducted in the world and in our Republic, it was determined that the reliability of each device included in the hydromechanical equipment of pumping stations was studied separately. It became clear from many years of scientific and practical work carried out at large pumping stations that when studying the reliability of hydromechanical equipment in the irrigation system, it is necessary to study them as an interdependent system.
7. Creating a software product for designing a drip irrigation system.
It consists in creating a software product for the design of drip irrigation systems, taking into account the type of soil in cultivated areas, water-physical properties of the soil, irrigation norms.
This project, first of all, ensures the quality of the project estimate documents, their reliability, and productivity during the design process of the drip irrigation system by the project engineers. The created software product provides design engineers with the ability to design drip irrigation systems based on science, reliable, convenient, fast, and economically efficient. It provides convenience for design engineers, customers and contractors. In addition, this software product enables project organizations to quickly find partners and easily exchange information. It will be possible to have complete information about the area where the drip irrigation system is being designed, the types of drip irrigation systems, their hydraulic parameters, and use them in the design process. The created electronic calculation program helps to quickly perform the hydraulic calculation of the drip irrigation system in the planned array and to achieve economic efficiency.
8. Creation of a software product for the air quality monitoring system in the city of Tashkent, taking into account the changes in the climate and urban infrastructure
It consists in developing the mathematical and software of the geo-information system for monitoring and forecasting the quality of atmospheric air in the city of Tashkent, taking into account the changes in climate parameters and urban infrastructure.
Equipment, material and technical means necessary for the implementation of the project were purchased, including computers, laptops, printers and paper. A geo-information system, a program for monitoring and forecasting the level of air pollution envisaged for the successful completion of the project is being created and is nearing completion. An AQM-09 air pollution detection device has been ordered from the Republic of China and is about to arrive.
9. Improving the productivity of irrigated lands by optimizing water use and introducing innovative irrigation technologies adapted to climate change.
Development of models of efficient use of water resources using water-saving methods in the conditions of the Kashkadarya basin.
Water-salt balance models of irrigated lands will be developed, calculation of the actual water-salt balance of experimental areas of agricultural crops and assessment of possibilities to reduce water consumption used for irrigation by applying water-saving technologies.