Scientific research works are carried out by professors and doctoral students in 7 priority scientific directions at the university:

  1. Development of scientific and practical bases for rational management of water resources under conditions of global climate change, their use on the basis of water-saving technologies, and improvement of the ecological and meliorative condition of irrigated lands.

  2. Development of foundations for improving, calculating, designing and ensuring safety of hydraulic structures.

  3. Modernization of technologies, machines and equipment for hydromelioration work, improvement of efficiency of their use, restoration and repair of resources.

  4. Development of scientific and practical solutions of resource-efficient technologies and technical means for agriculture.

  5. Problems of development of technologies of energy efficiency and use of renewable energy sources in sectors of the agro-industrial complex.

  6. Development of the basics of improving methods of organizing effective use of land resources of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

  7. Development of organizational and economic foundations of water use in irrigated agriculture.