Scientific Council


In accordance with the decisions of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated December 10, 2021 “On measures to radically improve the system of training engineering personnel for sectors of the economy based on innovation and digitalization” No. and it is allowed to defend dissertations. for obtaining the degrees of Doctor of Science (DSc) and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in the field of economics, engineering, physical and mathematical and biological sciences. 

List of scientific councils:

1. Scientific Council № DSc.03/30.01.2020.I.10.03, awarding academic degrees at “TIIAME” NRU 

06.01.10 – Land management, cadaster and land monitoring (economic sciences)

08.00.04 – Agricultural economics 

Chairman of the Council K.A. Chariev

Secretary of the Council I.O. Yunusov 

2. Scientific Council № DSc.03/30.12.2019.T.10.01, award of an academic degree at the National Research University "TIIAME"

05.05.07 – Electrical technologies and electrical equipment in agriculture

05.07.01 – Agricultural and reclamation machines. Mechanization of agricultural and reclamation works

05.07.02 - Operation, restoration and repair of agricultural and reclamation equipment

Chairman of the Council B.S. Mirzaev

Secretary of the Council U.T. Kuziev 

3. Scientific Council № DSc.03/30.12.2019.T.10.02, Awarding academic degrees at the National Research University "TIIAME" 

05.09.06 – Hydraulic engineering and reclamation construction

05.09.07 – Hydraulics and engineering hydrology

06.01.02 – Land reclamation and irrigation agriculture

06.01.10 – Land structure, cadastre and land monitoring (in technical sciences) 

Chairman of the Council - T.Z. Sultanov

Secretary of the Council F.A. Gapparov 

4. Scientific Council № DSc.03/26.05.2022.T. I05, awarding academic degrees at the National Research University "TIIAME"

01.05.11 – “Digital technologies and artificial intelligence” (technical sciences);

01.05.03 – “Theoretical foundations of computer science” (technical sciences);

01.05.02 – “Systematic analysis, management and information processing” (technical sciences);

01.05.08 – “Automation and control of technological processes and production” (technical sciences) 

Chairman of the Council I.S. Mamatov

Secretary of the Council D.K. Bekmuratov 

5. Scientific Council № DSc.03/31.03.2022.T/FM.l0.04 for awarding academic degrees at the National Research University "TIIAME"

01.04.02 – “Theoretical physics” (physical and mathematical sciences)

01.03.01- “Astronomy” (physics and mathematics)

01.05.07 – “Mathematical modeling. Complex of numerical methods and programs" (physical and mathematical sciences, technical sciences) 

Chairman of the Council B.J. Akhmedov

Secretary of the Council E.H. Karimbaev 

6. Scientific Council No. Ph.D.03/14.07.2022. B/QX.10.06 at the National Research University "TIIAME"

03.00.04 – “Microbiology and Virology”

03.00.12 – “Biotechnology” 

Chairman of the Board D.R. Egamberdieva

Secretary of the Council F. Eshboev