

One of the research directions of the university is the rational use of water resources, taking into account the possible causes of the water deficit in our country.

The main mission of university research is to develop water treatment equipment using intellectual and digital technologies. One of them is the construction of "Defuse-IT water treatment equipment equipped with an intelligent water treatment system" (Fig. 1)

Currently, at the university, the main energy from networks of green energy mobile cleaning equipment and their intellectual system work exit on the surface studies is being conducted.

During 2018-2022, not only research but also their implementation was achieved.

According to the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 222 on April 19, 2021, and the decision of the Board of the Ministry of Innovative Development No. 37 on September 24, 2021, the Defuse-IT project is currently worth 37,271,000 (thirty-seven million two hundred and seventy-one thousand) A financial incentive was allocated in the amount of UZS.

In connection with the project, an innovative prototype will be implemented in the Bukhara Region Irrigation Basin Department, and three farms will be introduced to the facility.





Figure 1: Defuse-IT water purification equipment equipped with an intelligent water purification system

a) Construction            b) intellectual management wardrobe

The purpose of the project:

to develop an automatic cleaning equipment and an intelligent control system that is easy to move, energy-saving, does not require additional effort in the regions of our republic with high salinity and water shortage. The equipment is aimed at incorporating water-saving technology and IT.

The task of the project:

to meet the needs of irrigation farming through the use of filters with a small water treatment capacity, which is cheaper than foreign analogs, and are not connected to the electricity network. Maximum utilization of the minimum available water resources in irrigation. Integration of remote control and automatic PID (proportional, integral, differential) adjustment system into one device through intelligent sensors. To provide farmers with the opportunity to irrigate without harming crops from drainage and wastewater.

            The created equipment is based on the batch water mixing method and allows for more water purification compared to the RO (reverse osmosis) filter, which has a small water purification capacity.

            The equipment allows the use of water sources with a high salinity level for irrigation.

            The equipment automatically analyzes the water source and determines the water treatment mode.

            The device produces an optimal source of water at the level of 3000 ppt, regardless of the level of contamination of the source.

In connection with the financing of the project held at the university and its implementation in the regions where there is a water shortage in the country, financing was achieved by the projects of a foreign country, including cooperation with water programs;

- The possibility of initial financing was achieved in connection with the Climate Launchpad project of the European Union, and the possibility of implementation in three regions of the Bukhara region of our country was achieved (Fig. 2 (a))

- It was recognized as a regional champion and recommended for financing based on the grant (AIM) issued by the Islamic Development Bank for the implementation of Start-up projects (Figure 2(b))

                  a)                                                                                                                                                 b)                         

Figure 2: International cooperation certificates

All of the above-mentioned financing tools are aimed at developing technologies aimed at saving water resources and considering the possibilities of using intellectual technologies in solving the problem of water scarcity to improve the health of the population.



Water consumption tracking
The university uses water taken from the main city water supply system (for drinking and related purposes, requiring high-quality water, and from aquifers for irrigation and technical needs. Special laboratories of the university are installed with a closed recycling system of water supply. The university as a body measures the total volume of water used in the university that is taken both from the main supply and aquifer.

  Water consumption per person

Water consumption by the campus population is about 90 liters per day per person.



Wastewater treatment

The university is fully connected to the centralized city wastewater systems. The wastewater from the university is fully treated in the central wastewater treatment plant.

Preventing water system pollution from polluted water

The university has a fully automated internal water supply system connected to the main city drinking water supply system. The installed equipment in the system allows to control of processes and prevents polluted water from entering the water system, including pollution caused by accidents and incidents at the university.

Free drinking water provided

The university has a drinking water fountain system in buildings and throughout the campus installed that provides free drinking water for students, staff, and visitors.

Water-conscious building standards

The university system is installed with smart metering devices. Reports from the metering systems in buildings are analyzed in order to minimize infective water use.

Water-conscious planting

The university has a special branch within the facilities department that plans and realizes planting, and irrigation scheduling using drought-tolerant plants considering environmental conditions.

Water reuse policy

All main water laboratory infrastructure including laboratory models of hydro-technical constructions and related structures provided with closed recycling water supply systems. This system allows to use of water many times in rotation mode allowing along to reach the main educational and research goals provides decrease water use several times.

Water reuse measurement

The closed recycling water use system with installed metering devices accounts for how much water is being conserved in comparison to the direct water use system.

Water management educational opportunities

The university as the main regionally recognized higher water education and research institution provides degree programs (undergraduate and graduate, and doctoral) and special water awareness education programs for local communities. Part of the faculty members is involved in regular training courses organized by the local government. Also, a special on dement service for communities are organized in the university.

Promoting conscious water usage

As mentioned above university has ongoing water-aware programs for communities and faculty members from the university act as members of special groups created by the ministries of the Household and Communal Services, and Water Resource of the Republic of Uzbekistan and participate in regular training where they actively promote conscious water use.

Off-campus water conservation support

Faculty members from the university act as members of special groups created by the ministries of the Household and Communal Services, and Water Resource of the Republic of Uzbekistan and support regular training on water conservation. Water conservation (both for irrigation and domestic use) training is conducted in all regions of the country. Besides researchers are involved by the international (WB, ADB, UNEP, SDC, DAAD, GIZ.) and national organizations in the development of UpToDate and side specifics water conservation technologies.

Sustainable water extraction on campus

The university as a body, where water is extracted from aquifers utilizes sustainable water extraction technologies as automated systems based on solar systems on the university campus and its research located in the Tashkent region.


Cooperation on water security

The university as a body actively cooperates with local, regional, national, and global governments on water security. Faculty members are members of special water commissions created under local, regional and national governments that discuss and develop recommendations on water security. “TIIAME” NRU is an active participant in TEMPUS, ERASMUS MUNDUS, and other educational and scientific programs of the European Union, the United Nations Development Program, the programs of the World Bank, ADB, JICA (Japan), USAID (USA), GIZ and BMVF (Germany), IWMI, ICARDA, CAREC, and other international centers focused on water security problems. Examples of such projects include “Sustainable management of water resources in rural areas of Uzbekistan: strengthening technical capacity” -UNDP, “SDG-nexus (The SDGnexus Network is a global community of higher education institutions, research centers, and stakeholders from the development sector committed to promoting the Agenda 2030 for sustainable development and to strengthening the capacities of our higher education institutions” – DAAD, “Development of Innovative Climate Resilient Technologies for Monitoring and Controlling of Water Use Efficiency and Impact of Salinization on Crop Productivity and Livelihood in Aral Sea region” – JICA and many others).

UNESCO Chair on “Water diplomacy, water resources management and environmental protection” at the “TIIAME” NRU serves as a platform for interdisciplinary water and environmental education and research.

Faculty members of the university act as members of interstate water working groups such as Uzbekistan-Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan-Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan-Turkmenistan, and others.