Cooperation on water security

The university as a body actively cooperates with local, regional, national, and global governments on water security. Faculty members are members of special water commissions created under local, regional and national governments that discuss and develop recommendations on water security and the university has Memorandums of Understanding with them. “TIIAME” NRU is an active participant in TEMPUS, ERASMUS MUNDUS, and other educational and scientific programs of the European Union, the United Nations Development Program, the programs of the World Bank, ADB, JICA (Japan), USAID (USA), GIZ and BMVF (Germany), IWMI, ICARDA, CAREC, and other international centers focused on water security problems. Examples of such projects include “Sustainable management of water resources in rural areas of Uzbekistan: strengthening technical capacity” -UNDP, “SDG-nexus (The SDGnexus Network is a global community of higher education institutions, research centers, and stakeholders from the development sector committed to promoting the Agenda 2030 for sustainable development and to strengthening the capacities of our higher education institutions” – DAAD, “Development of Innovative Climate Resilient Technologies for Monitoring and Controlling of Water Use Efficiency and Impact of Salinization on Crop Productivity and Livelihood in Aral Sea region” – JICA and many others).


UNESCO Chair on “Water diplomacy, water resources management and environmental protection” at the “TIIAME” NRU serves as a platform for interdisciplinary water and environmental education and research.

“The Universities Partnership for Water Cooperation and Diplomacy (UPWCD)” serves as a platform led by knowledge partners in the field of water cooperation and diplomacy. It is a one-stop-shop where such actors can share and access information about relevant activities, co-develop research and education tools and jointly support professional training in this field. The "TIIAME" NRU is one of the 30 partners of this network.


Faculty members of the university act as members of interstate water working groups such as Uzbekistan-Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan-Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan-Turkmenistan, and others.

Within this cooperation, the university organizes conferences, workshops, seminars, and forums on water security with partners from all over the world.


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