Department of handling, control and monitoring of appeals of individuals and legal entities
Head of the Department of handling, control and monitoring of appeals of individuals and legal entities
Kattakulov Farrukh Sayfullayevich
tel: 99871-237-09-83
The department of "Internal control and monitoring" was established in 1997. The department was headed by Professor S.Avezbaev. In 1997-1998, 1998-2000 by professor S.Sulaymonov; 2001 - . R. Abduraupov; 2001-2003 A.Muhammedov, 2003-2015 H. Shukurlaev, 2015-2017 H.Lapasov, 2017-2018 S.Umarov, 2018-2020 M.Yaxyayev and since 2021 it has been headed by docent F.Kattakulov.
The department of internal control and monitoring activity:
- Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan from 12 of January, 1999 – 12 "About measures on strengthening of executive discipline"
- Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan from March 29, 1999 of N 140 "About approval of regulatory legal acts on the organization of the office work and the organization of the state control in bodies of the government of the Republic of Uzbekistan";
- Order of organization of work with documents in ministries, state committees, departments, economic associations, their structural and territorial subdivisions, and monitoring of the state of execution discipline (approved by the Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan on August 28, 2009, p.11-10);
- UzSSt. 1157-2008, USD SORD. and in compliance with the requirements for documentation and Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers of working with documents and control over their implementation and strictly adhering to the Statute of the Department.
Implementation of the tasks set out in the National Program for Training of Personnel, the Laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Decrees, Resolutions, Orders of the Cabinet of Ministers, Resolutions of the Ministries of Higher and Secondary Special Education, supervision and analysis of execution of orders of citizens, decisions of the Academic Council of the institute, orders of the rector of the institute. At the same time, it monitors the virtual reception of President of the Republic of Uzbekistan and virtual reception of rector of the institute.