The Almaty Branch of the National Research University "Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers"

Legal Status (Public or Private University)
The Almaty Branch of the National Research University "Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers" operates as a public university.

Legal Address and Contact Details (Phone, Email, Official Website)

  • Branch Location:
    Address Registration Code: RK A0201300122193706
    Postal Code: 050010
    Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty, Medeu District, Abay Avenue, 8
  • University Location:
    Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Kary-Niyazov Street, House 39

License for Educational Activities
(Details regarding the license number, date of issue, issuing authority, and validity period are to be provided.)

Details of Branches (If Any)
The Almaty Branch of the National Research University "Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers" (NRU TIIAME) is an independent structural unit that conducts a portion of the university's activities beyond the premises of its main campus.

This branch was established in collaboration with the non-profit joint-stock company "Kazakh National Agrarian Research University" (KazNAU). It was formally created based on:

  • Order of the Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 228 (dated May 14, 2024)
  • Decision of the University Council (Minutes No. 10, dated May 30, 2024)
  • Order of the University Rector No. 192/a-f (dated June 12, 2024)

The branch provides educational services through dual-degree bachelor’s and master’s programs developed jointly with KazNAU. These programs include:

  • Bachelor’s Program: "B082 Water Resources and Water Use"
  • Master’s Program: "M137 Water Resources and Water Use"

The programs are designed in alignment with the State General Educational Standard for Higher and Postgraduate Education, approved by the Order of the Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 2 (dated July 20, 2022).

Specialist training at the branch complies with the state educational standards of both the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Republic of Uzbekistan, and is implemented based on curricula and programs approved by the university.


University Management
The full names of the rector and other management staff, along with their photographs, brief biographies, and contact details, are to be provided.

Branch Director

Berdyshev Abdurakhim Suleimanovich

 1.     Here’s the revised version of your text with improved grammar and a more academic tone:

 2.     Holds the degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences and the title of Professor (effective 

July 1, 2024).

 3.     Obtained a higher education degree from the Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers in 1988, specializing as an Electrical Engineer.

     Serves as a member of the Dissertation Scientific Council under the designation DSc.03/30.12.2019.T.10.01 at the National Research University "TIIAME."

4. Here is the improved and academic-level version of your text:

A. Berdyshev began his professional career in 1988 as an Engineer at SAO Selenergoproekt.

  • 1989–1993: Pursued postgraduate studies at the Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers.
  • 1993–2000: Served as an Assistant in the Department of Application of Electric Power in Agriculture at the Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers.
  • 2000–2004: Worked as an Associate Professor in the Department of Operation of Electrical Equipment and Electrical Technology at the same institution.
  • 2004–2005: Appointed as the Acting Head of the Department of Power Supply of Irrigation and Drainage Systems and Operation of Electrical Equipment at the Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Melioration Engineers.
  • 2005–2011: Held the position of Head of the Department of Power Supply of Irrigation and Land Reclamation Systems and Operation of Electrical Equipment at the Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Land Reclamation.
  • 2011–2015: Served as an Associate Professor in the Department of Power Supply of Irrigation and Land Reclamation Systems and Operation of Electrical Equipment at the Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Land Reclamation. Additionally, he worked part-time as the Deputy Head of the Educational and Methodological Department.
  • 2015: Appointed Dean of the Center for Retraining and Advanced Training of Personnel at the Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Land Reclamation.
  • 2015–2016: Worked as the Director of the Industry Center for Retraining and Advanced Training of Teaching Staff at the same institute.
  • 2016–2017: Served as an Associate Professor in the Department of Electricity Supply of Water Management and Operation of Electrical Equipment at the Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Land Reclamation.
  • 2017–Present: Holds the position of Head of the Department of Electrotechnology and Operation of Electrical Equipment at the Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers National Research University (TIIAME NRU).

Information about educational programs:

List of Educational Programs
The university offers a comprehensive range of programs across bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral levels:

Bachelor’s Degree Programs:

  • 60811200 – Water Management and Melioration
  • 60811300 – Operation of Hydraulic Structures and Pumping Stations

Master’s Degree Programs:

  • 70812302 – Land Reclamation and Irrigated Agriculture
  • 70812305 – Operation of Irrigation and Drainage Systems
  • 70812307 – Integrated Use and Management of Water Resources
  • 70811301 – Operation of Hydraulic Structures: Reliability and Safety

Doctoral Programs:

  • 06.01.02 – Land Reclamation and Irrigated Agriculture
  • 05.09.06 – Hydrotechnical and Melioration Construction

Information about the teaching staff (qualifications, titles, achievements).


Full names of teachers


Academic degree


Asylbekova Zhamilya Malik-Aidarovna

History of Kazakhstan

Doctor of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor


Ibishev Umirbay Sharbekovich

Engineering and computer graphics

Senior Lecturer


Serikbaev Abdukarim Userovich


Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor


Konyrbay Zhansaya Askarkyzy

Foreign language

Senior Lecturer


Tuyakbaeva Meruert Shekeevna

Physical culture

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences


Zhanysbekova Shaizat Turakbaevna

Kazakh language

Master of Educational Sciences


Kuppaeva Botagoz Tulegenovna

Module of socio-political knowledge (sociology, political science, cultural studies, psychology)

Associate Professor


Kenbaeva Gulmira Kaparbaevna

Module of socio-political knowledge (sociology, political science, cultural studies, psychology)

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences


Kaipbaev Erbolat Tolganbaevich


PhD, Senior Lecturer, Department of Water Resources and Land Reclamation


Aldiyarova Ainura Esirkepovna

Fundamentals of Scientific Research

PhD, Head of the Department of Water Resources and Land Reclamation


Nazaraliev Dilshod Validjanovich

Hydrology of land

Geology and hydrogeology

Engineering hydrometry

Associate Professor


Valieva Albina Robertovna

Engineering geodesy



Admission rules (according to the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan).Admission rules (according to the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan).

Standard rules for admission to training in educational organizations implementing higher education programs are carried out in accordance with by order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated October 31, 2018 No. 600

Information about competitions, grants, and discounts on education.

Persons with secondary, technical and vocational or post-secondary education, with the exception of applicants in related areas of higher education training that provide for shortened periods of study, who have passed the UNT and scored the following according to its results, are allowed to participate in the competition for the award of an educational grant for higher education at the expense of the republican budget or local budget and (or) enrollment in paid education. in national higher education institutions - no less than 65 points, in the areas of education "Agriculture and bioresources" no less than 50 points .

         When passing the UNT in electronic format in the competition for the award of an educational grant for higher education at the expense of the republican budget or local budget, the applicant participates with one of two UNT results that have the required number of points specified in this paragraph.

However, the requirements specified in this paragraph do not apply to persons of Kazakh nationality who are not citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Adaptation roadmap for international students.

Admission of foreign citizens under an allocated quota on the basis of an educational grant to international higher education institutions created on the basis of interstate agreements is carried out by higher education institutions independently.

Admission of foreign citizens to study at the OVPO on a fee-paying basis is carried out based on the results of an interview conducted by the OVPO admissions committees during the calendar year. In this case, the enrollment of foreign citizens is carried out in accordance with the academic calendar 5 (five) days before the start of the next academic period.

At the same time, the admission of foreign citizens on the basis of an educational grant and on a paid basis is carried out by higher education institutions that have been accredited in accordance with Article 9-1 of the Law.

Information about educational grants and scholarships.

Educational grants for full and partial payment for higher education with the award of a bachelor's degree at the expense of the republican budget (hereinafter referred to as educational grants for higher education) are awarded on a competitive basis for specific groups of educational programs in accordance with the results of the UNT in accordance with the order of groups of educational programs declared by applicants, with the issuance of a certificate of award of an educational grant, except for the case provided for in paragraph 8-1 of Article 26 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Education" and persons specified in part nine of this paragraph.

At the same time, the differentiation of educational grants for higher education is determined by the decision of the Republican Commission.

The competition for the award of an educational grant for higher education takes into account scores in the history of Kazakhstan, mathematical literacy, reading literacy (language of instruction) and two specialized subjects.

About us: Mission, vision, goals of the university.


The aim of the university is to prepare highly qualified, comprehensively developed specialists who are aware of their responsibility to the state and society, work honestly and fairly for the benefit of the future of the country, respect national and universal values, follow the laws and are able to be competitive in the field of international education.


Contacts: Map, telephones, email, feedback form.

Location of the Branch: address registration code RK A0201300122193706, postal code: 050010. Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty, Medeu district, Abay avenue, Phone: +7 707 250 80 20