VEGERA The improvement of energy efficiency in the building sector through the use of renewable raw materials from agroforestry systems

The improvement of energy efficiency in the building sector through the use of renewable raw materials from agroforestry systems-Improving energy efficiency in the construction sector through the use of renewable raw materials of agroforestry systems

The German International Climate Initiative - grant project of the International Climate Initiative

International partners:

  Berlin Technical University, German Institute of Architecture; Laboratory of Natural Construction, Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development (NNEYE), World Agroforestry Center (ICRAF-International Centre for Research in Agroforestry), Central Asian, Kyrgyz and Indian branches, Advisory Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR-), Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).


The cost of the project: 620.000 EUR

Project implementation period: 2021-2024 .

Coordinator from TIIAME:  Professor B.S. Mirzayev

Project participants: senior teachers G. Eshchanova and U. Nullaev

  Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers International Climate Initiative of Germany- International Climate Initiative within the framework of the international project “The improvement of energy efficiency in the building sector through the use of renewable raw materials from agroforestry systems" (Eberswalde University, Germany)on the topic of improving energy efficiency in the construction sector through the use of renewable raw materials (Agroforestry development) in partnership with the Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development for a total of 620,000 euros, a grant that he organized won the project. The project started its activity on 08/01/2021.

  The project coordinators are Professor Martin Welp from the Eberswalde University of Sustainable Development in Germany and the first vice-rector of the Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Mechanization Engineers of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Professor Mirzaev Bahadir Suyunovich, senior teachers of the English Language Department Guzal Eshchanova and Ulugbek Nullaev.


 В рамках этого гранта, финансируемого правительством Германии, в сотрудничестве с организациями-участниками в рамках международного проекта проводятся видеосеансы и переговоры, а также подписываются дополнительные соглашения. В рамках проекта представитель немецкой организации Z-U-G по проектам в Узбекистане Юлдашева Дильфуза посетила TIQXMMI и поближе познакомилась с существующими у нас условиями. Следует отметить, что Г.Ещанова в качестве молодого исследователя в университете устойчивого развития Эберсвальде в рамках международного проекта "E- agroforestry- Food security and livehood improvement through the agroforestry in Central Asia"-"Э - агро Forestry - продовольственная безопасность и повышение уровня жизни в Центральной Азии посредством агролесоводства", финансируемого Министерством образования и исследований Германии 20.09.2018-20.11.2018 е. и по сей день регулярно работает в обмене опытом с немецкими профессорами.