Congratulations on joining the association!


#Cultural and organizational

   Professor Rakhimboy Jumaniyozov, press secretary of  "TIIAME" National Research University, adviser to the rector on information policy, takes an active part in the processes related to spirituality and education, expressing his opinion. With his comments on the reforms that the head of state is carrying out in various areas, the decisions and decrees he makes, and especially his current speeches, he serves as an example for many university press secretaries.

   As it is known, Rakhimboy Jumaniyozov is a member of the Writers' Union of Uzbekistan, the propaganda society "Ma'rifat", the Academy of Arts of Uzbekistan as a specialist in Arabic calligraphy. Today, in the National Press Center, in a solemn atmosphere, a group of creative people were presented with membership certificates, congratulating them on joining the Creative Union of Journalists of Uzbekistan.

   Sincere congratulations were expressed by the member of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, editor-in-chief of the newspapers Ishonch and Doverie, Senator Khusan Ermatov, editor-in-chief of the newspapers "Yangi Uzbekistan" and "Pravda Vostoka" Salim Doniyorov, teacher-journalist Mamatkul Khazratkulov and acting chairman of the Creative Union of Journalists Kholmurod Salimov.

  Recently, Rakhimboy Dzhumaniyozov successfully passed the certification for the position of head of the Information Service at the Agency for Information and Mass Communications under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan and received a certificate.

  On behalf of the staff of our university, we once again congratulate the mentor on these achievements and recognition from the most prestigious organizations!