Visit to the Armed Forces Museum
The first-year students of "Economics" faculty of National Research University "Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers," under the guidance of their tutor Shodiyeva Gulbahor, visited the Armed Forces Museum. This visit was a journey into history for the students, where they gained deeper insights into Uzbekistan's independence history and the heroes of wartime. The exhibits, documents, and photographs displayed in the museum serve to strengthen the students' sense of patriotism and inspire them with the bravery of our national heroes.
During the visit, the students received a tour conducted by museum staff, learning about the development history of the Uzbek army and modern weapons. They also gained information about the role of the Uzbek army in maintaining peace and ensuring the security of our country.
This visit became an unforgettable event for the students, undoubtedly strengthening their sense of patriotism and increasing their interest in our national history.