International cooperation within ‘‘Internal Quality Assurance’’



      It is important to suggest that due to the implementation of the Presidential Decree of the Republic of Uzbekistan, dated March 22, 2017 “On measures to implement the project “Strengthening the material and technical base of higher educational institutions”, in partnership with International Development Association World Bank, the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation there was launched the project “The modernization of Higher Education in Uzbekistan”, in which 6 HEIs participated. Within the framework of this project, a number of activities aimed at ensuring quality in higher education institutions have been carried out in cooperation with foreign experts from Shbeeman Consulting on the topic "Internal and external quality assurance" and positive results have been achieved till today.

As the final part of the project, on March 31,2023, it is planned to hold a Forum, titled "Improving the quality assurance system in higher education" at Tashkent State University of  Economics. In order to participate in this Forum, the international consultant of the World Bank project, prof. Bastian Baumann made a visit to Uzbekistan from Germany. He visited our university on March 28, 2023. It is an honour that NRU‘‘TIIAME’’ is one of the selected Higher Educational Institutions, that passed Piloting Accreditation within the framework of the project.

Vice-rectors of our university Abdukhakim Salakhiddinov and Bakhtiyor Khudayorov, project participants Guzal Eshchanova, Farrukh Katttakulov, as well as representatives of other Higher Educational Institutions took part in  seminar-training by Professor Bastian Bauman "Improving the quality and international accreditation in higher education." The guest's speech was translated from English by an experienced teacher-translator Guzal Eshchanova.

 Press Service of National research University ''TIIAME''