National Dialogue devoted to women in Science
It is important to mention that from March 2-3, 2023, there was organized the international conference on the theme "The role of women in science", held at “ National Research University “Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers”. The partners of the conference were: National Research University "TIIAME", the UNESCO Office in Almaty, the Organization of Women in Science for Developing Countries, the National Commission for UNESCO of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, the Representation of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO ) in the Republic of Uzbekistan, Research Institute "Family and Neighborhood", Public Organization of the Republican Movement "Smart Women", Languages of the World of Uzbekistan State University of World Languages, Al-Forabi Kazakh National University.
The work of the conference was opened by the vice-rector of our university Takhir Zokirovich Sultanov. Then the following representatives made a speech: the vice-chairman of the Family and Women's Committee Karima Norkulova, the chief adviser of the National Commission of Uzbekistan for UNESCO Elmurod Nazhimov and professor Oynisa Musurmonova. The main goal of the conference is the exchange of experience in achieving gender equality in science, technology and innovation, in particular, promoting the achievements of women in political, economic and social decision-making and sustainable development. At the conference, the issues of achieving the full and equal use and participation of women and girls in science, as well as achieving gender equality and empowering women and girls were widely discussed. The conference was attended by leading women in the field of science and technology of our society, in particular, teachers, students, representatives of state and non-state organizations.
Press Service of National research University ''TIIAME''