Faculty of Hydromelioration
The Hydromelioration faculty was established in 1923 as part of the Technical faculty of the Turkestan State university in order to train personnel in the field of "Melioration engineering". In the early days of the establishment of the faculty, 49 professors taught 274 students in reclamation engineering. The history of the Faculty of Hydromelioration is closely related to the history of the university, and on November 16, 1934, it began to function as part of the "Tashkent institute of irrigation and agricultural mechanization engineers". The contributions of mature scientists and major specialists in the establishment and development of the faculty, as well as its formation as a prestigious scientific center on the scale of Central Asia, are incomparable. Especially V.D.Jurin, T.N.Kori-Niyazov, A.N.Gostunsky, B.D.Korjavin, K.A.Akhmedov, A.N.Askochensky, V.V.Poslavsky, N.A.Yanishevsky, V.F.Bulayevsky, F.P.Morgunenkov, Ye.I.Zamarin, N.V.Makridin, S.T.Altunin, T.A.Kolpakova. thanks to his efforts, the faculty was a leader in the fields of science and education. Today, the faculty includes "Hydraulics and hydroinformatics", "Hydrology and hydrogeology", "Irrigation and reclamation", "Using hydromelioration systems", "Mechanization of hydromelioration works", "Professional education", "Safety of life activities", "Physics and Chemistry" departments and "EcoGIS" center have been established. In the faculty, the experienced professors and teachers of the departments and centers organize scientific research and educational process at the level of modern requirements for bachelor and masters students.
In the faculty, the branches of the economy, in particular, the ministries of water management, agriculture and ecology, environment and climate change of the Republic of Uzbekistan, and among the leading organizations under its jurisdiction, prestigious foreign and domestic companies such as Netafim, Agrodrip, Ecodrip, Smart Solution "Water management and land reclamation", "Innovative technologies and their use in water management", "Hydrology", "Melioration hydrogeology", "Professional education", "Mechanization of water management and land reclamation" for the needs of enterprises, "Labor protection and technical safety", "Materials science and technology of new materials" have been training competitive personnel. From the 2023-2024 academic year, in accordance with the decision of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan №. PD-42 of December 10, personnel training in the field of education "Aerospace technologies and sustainable development" has been launched. Today, more than 1,200 students are studying in these fields of study in modern condition.
In order to identify talented students and involve them widely in educational and scientific activities, the faculty organizes various competitions and events in the field at various republican and international levels. In recent years, in cooperation with international organizations and projects, "World Water Day" has been organized at the national and international levels. As a result of the efforts of the faculty team to work with talented students and increase their efficiency, more than 10 presidential scholarships, more than 30 candidates for the state scholarship named after Beruniy, more than 20 winners of republican science olympiads, more than 100 different international and national start-ups and competition winners have been prepared.
In order to improve the quality of education and to enrich educational materials with the achievements of today's science, the faculty is carrying out large-scale research and development works. In particular, in recent years, in accordance with the scientific problems and orders of the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation and Water Management, as well as cooperation agreements, the effective use of water resources in the context of global climate change, the use of irrigated lands within the framework of the sustainable development goals of the United Nations improvement of land reclamation, research of irrigation standards and regimes of agricultural crops based on geoinformation systems, creation of software for designing water-saving technologies, improvement of hydrological regimes of reservoirs, hydraulics and hydrology of open riverbeds and water 20.0 billion for increasing the hydraulic efficiency and operational reliability of irrigation networks. More than 100,000 soums of fundamental, practical and construction works are being carried out and are gradually being involved in the educational process.
The faculty is engaged in a wide range of activities related to the study of foreign experience and the development of international cooperation. In recent years, as a result of the effective activity of the faculty scientists, 16 international research projects with a total value of 354030 $ + 837990 € in the fields of comprehensive scientific, methodical and academic mobility with prestigious scientific research institutes and universities of the USA, European countries, CIS and Eastern countries grands have been achieved. In order to expand the scope of international cooperation, regular international scientific conferences, seminars-trainings and various competitions are held at the faculty. Also, professors and teachers of the faculty departments of the prestigious scientific research institutes and universities of countries such as China, Turkey, and Slovakia are involved in the educational process.
In recent years, in cooperation with UN development programs, Lindsay and USAID of the United States, Israel's Netafim, Korea's K-Water, China's SuperMap and Xinjiang-Tianye and other large foreign companies and projects to improve the educational process, strengthen the material and technical base, and student practice significant results are being achieved in increasing efficiency.

Ishchanov Javlonbek Kurbanbayevich
Candidate of technical sciences, associate professor
Javlonbek Kurbanbayevich Ishchanov has been working in this position since March 2024. In 2013-2023, he worked as an assistant, senior teacher, associate professor at the Department of Irrigation and Reclamation. During his leadership at the faculty, the development of training of highly qualified, internationally competitive personnel is being carried out.

Beknozarova Zamira Farmanovna
She was born in 1969 in Kamashi district of Kashkadarya region in a family of servants. In 1986 he entered Samarkand State University, Faculty of Physics, Department of General Physics, majoring in Physics, and in 1991 graduated. Since 1997, he has been working as a senior laboratory assistant at the Department of Theoretical Mechanics and Physics and Chemistry of the Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers, and since 2005 he has been working as a lecturer at the Department of Physics and Chemistry.

Gadaev Nodirjon Nosirjonovich
In 2008-2014 he was a student of the Tashkent Irrigation and Reclamation Institute, in 2014-2016 he was an intern-teacher of the department of using hydromelioration systems of the Tashkent Irrigation and Reclamation Institute, in 2017-2020 he was an assistant of the department of using hydromelioration systems, in 2020-2021 he was an assistant of the Department of Tashkent Irrigation and Agriculture Jalygini Institute of Mechanization Engineers, Department of Hydromelioration Systems, and since September 2024, he has been working as a deputy dean of the Faculty of Hydromelioration.

Malikov Elyor Nazarkulovich
In 2012 - 2016, he was a student at the Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Land reclamation, in 2016 - 2018, he pursued his master’s degree at the Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers. In 2018 - 2022, he worked as an assistant in the department of “Irrigation and land reclamation”. In 2022 - 2024, he was a doctoral student at the “Irrigation and Melioration” department of the National Research University “TIIAME”. Since August 2024, he has been working as a deputy dean of the Faculty of Hydromelioration.

Ruzibaev Ortik
Ruzibaev Ortik Ruzibaevich was born in 1983 in the Khorezm region.Student of the National University of Uzbekistan in 2000-2004, Master's degree from the National University of Uzbekistan in 2004-2006, assistant of the Department of Humanities in 2011-2015, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Automation and Mechanization of Water Management in 2015-2017, mechanization of hydro-reclamation works in 2017-2023. Deputy Dean of the Faculty, and since December 2024 -Deputy Dean for Youth Affairs of the Faculty of Hydro-Reclamation.
60713300-Aerospace Technologies and Sustainable Development (in fields and sectors)
Based on this undergraduate program, students will acquire knowledge and skills in the applications of aerospace technologies for providing sustainable development in the different fields and sectors of the countries’ economies. This program includes key subjects such as Aerospace Technology, Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS), Remote Sensing (Practical modules based on Erdas Imagine), Geoinformation Systems (Practical modules based on: ArcGIS/ArcGIS Pro, QGIS), Internet of Things, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Environmental Science, Sustainable Development which will later on be applied to develop best practice in order to address global challenges in the areas related to the SDGs.
60812300 - Water and Land Reclamation Sector
The educational direction Water resources and melioration forms students' knowledge, skills and professional competencies on the theoretical foundations and methods for designing perfect reclamation systems, taking into account resource-saving technologies and environmental requirements, developing and consolidating academic and social and personal competencies. The learning process is aimed at: assessment of the role, needs and resources of land reclamation for agricultural production; substantiation of rational types, methods and ways of land reclamation in various natural and economic conditions; acquisition of theoretical foundations and practical skills in designing and engineering calculations of modern reclamation systems; application of cost-effective and environmentally friendly design solutions for land reclamation.
61020200 - Labor protection and technical safety" educational direction
Labor protection and technical safety - creation of safe and comfortable working conditions and the formation of a technosphere (an environment created by humans) favorable for human life and activity, minimizing man-made effects on the environment, human life due to the rational use of modern means of ensuring safety and control methods and health care, accidents and occupational diseases that occur in economic sectors, as well as dangerous factors, by applying medical-biological, scientific-technical and socio-economic knowledge, to improve people's healthy living standards and safe methods and tools aimed at ensuring working conditions are professional activities of the educational sector. The professional activities of the bachelor include mastering and researching working processes, researching, synthesizing and optimizing design processes, developing engineering calculations, algorithms and mathematical support that ensure people's healthy living standards and safe working conditions, computer technologies and programming., covering areas such as software, information communication technology and engineering.
60812600- Meliorative hydrogeology
The field of ameliorative hydrogeology includes field of irrigation and melioration education, with taking into account exploration activities, exploitation and protection of groundwater resources. Water resources in the upper part of the lithosphere monitoring the quality and quantitative changes in groundwater, as well as assessing the factors affecting these changes and forecasting of anthropogenic processes in the zone of irrigation and drainage systems and drainage wells, as well as groundwater as drinking water, studies effect of groundwater on land reclamation.
60813000 - Innovative technologies in water management and their use
This educational direction is an educational direction in the field of science, technology and education. (dropping, raining, creating fog, using portable flexible pipes, watering by laying a film on the egates, automating water measurement and distribution, dispatching control methods) to introduce into agricultural production, rational use of internal water reserves in the conditions of water shortage observed in our region, the advantages of advanced innovative technologies in solving existing problems, the economic efficiency achieved in agriculture and water management when using them, methods of applying the world's modern advanced water-saving technologies in farms learns In order to further develop this educational direction, new modern disciplines were introduced, i.e. "Resource-saving irrigation technologies", "Engineering service in hydromelioration systems", "Automation of the use of hydromelioration systems", "Use of innovative technologies in melioration systems" were formed.
60530800 -Hydrology
In the field of study the main focus is water management, which includes a set of methods and tools aimed at carrying out complex researches, on water issues, especially, in water reservoirs and other objects of dryland waters, analysis of water resources problems, assessment and forecast of their quantitative and qualitative changes which started under natural and anthropogenic causes, creation of recommendations for the environmental safety and protection of land waters from depletion and pollution, hydrological and water management calculations for the construction projection and planning of water conservation measures, as well as the organization and providing observations of hydrological regime; conducting operational hydrological forecasting
60112400 - Vocational Education (Water Management)
Education in the field of science, technology and education covers a set of methods and tools aimed at professional skills in the construction and operation of excellent land and water resources, improvement of land reclamation, excellent management of water resources, irrigation systems and structures, in order to obtain high yields of irrigated lands in the field of educational sciences, tools, methods and pedagogical activities. Objects of professional activity – in the educational process in the relevant professional colleges, the educational process includes water resources, water supply systems for agricultural and drinking purposes, objects of management of hydro-reclamation systems.
60720600 - Material science and technology of new materials
New materials acquisition systems in the field of electric power, new materials in power supply networks, new materials in internal irrigation and reclamation systems, materials in the renewal of energy systems of water supply networks, non-traditional energy sources and systems, materials and materials technology that form the basis of electrotechnological units are directed to study.
60812400 - Mechanization of water management and reclamation works
Education in the field of Science and technology is the direction of education in the field of Science and technology, it is the direction of mechanization of water management and reclamation works, the analysis of technical means and technologies, reclamation, improvement of construction machines and equipment, rational use of Reclamation machines, development of solutions for organizational issues of service provision on the basis of modern innovative concepts, engineering link complex with the assignment of equipment engineering accounts, services to reclamation and construction machines used in the performance of water management and reclamation work, the exchange of working equipment, the definition of repair strategies
70530805 - Hydraulics and engineering hydrology
This specialty is a specialty in the field of water management, teaching of the sciences related to water management, hydraulics and engineering hydrology in the system of higher and secondary special, vocational education and water management of the Republic of Uzbekistan Ministry and the organizations under its authority, the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan and network research institutes for water management, State management bodies of the Republic of Uzbekistan, irrigation system basin administrations, irrigation system administrations, professional skills, includes a set of tools, methods, methods and methods of human activity directed at the ability of authority.
70812302-"Reclamation and irrigated farming"
70812302-"Reclamation and irrigated farming" is an educational specialty on the basis of exact sciences and technical sciences. aimed at improving land reclamation and acquiring theoretical knowledge and practical skills in irrigated farming.
70812306-"Water-saving irrigation technologies"
70812306-"Water-saving irrigation technologies" is a specialty in the field of education conducted on the basis of exact sciences and technical sciences. aimed at forming theoretical knowledge, practical skills and scientific world view and modern best practices.
Other information
Web-site: https:tiiame.uz
Dean of faculty: Ishchanov Javlonbek Kurbanbayevich
Reception days: Wednesday: 10: 00-13: 00