Faculty of "Ecology and Law"

In recent years in our republic the priority of importance is given to training of engineers who have certain skills in environmental protection, effective use of limited water reserves and land resources, mitigating the negative consequences of climate change, restoration of the biofund of agricultural land, reuse of saline and eroded areas, and biodiversity of ecosystems, expand investments and scientific research to solve global problems such as conservation, "green energy" and agro-technologies, creation of legal mechanisms for the use of transboundary water resources, raise the scientific potential to a new level through the widespread introduction of digital technologies, and ability to apply the developments into practice.

Faculty of "Ecology and Law" was established on decision of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan PQ-42 of December 10, 2021 "On measures to fundamentally improvement the system of engineering personnel training for economic sectors based on innovation and digitization", on the bases of the meeting of the university's Board of Directors on December 30, 2022 based on the tasks defined in the statement No. 3 dated June 10, 2022.

There are "Ecology and Water Resources Management", "Digital Technologies and Artificial Intelligence", "Teaching Theory and Methodology" and "Humanities", "Physical Education and Sports" departments in the facultyFaculty prepares competitive specialists in the field of ecology and environmental protection, water supply engineering systems, jurisprudence (land relations and transboundary water issues), artificial intelligence, software engineering and philology.

The faculty team is conducting a scientific research in field of ecology and environmental protection, negative effects of climate change on the environment and scientific justification of optimal solutions, waste management, rational use of water resources and their protection, basin management and organization of water resources, improvement of water resources management activities, improvement of drinking water supply and sewerage, biological treatment mechanisms of wastewater, artificial intelligence using computer systems (training, expert, consulting, robot, etc.) to solve traditional intellectual problems creation of methods, tools and technologies for design, collection, processing and transmission of information, development of software for computer and telecommunication systems and networks, raising the intellectual potential of young people, their thinking and worldview, strengthening their ideological immunity, patriotism, love for the people, a mature generation that lives with a sense of loyalty, development of advanced technologies of education.

The faculty is conducting scientific activities in various directions and has International cooperation relations with educational institutions and scientific centers with high world ranking:

 Colorado State University (USA)

 Peter the Great St Petersburg Polytechnic University (Russia)

 Kazakh-German University (Kazakhstan)

 University of Natural Resources and Natural Sciences in Vienna (Austria)

 Technical University of Munich (Germany)

 University of Lleida (Spain)

 Suez Canal University (Egypt)

 Belikesir University (Turkey)

 Sejong University (South Korea).

Currently, the leading scientists of the faculty are participating in the cooperation of the Japanese SATREPS scientific program, the Horizon-2020 program of the European Community, the German DAAD fund in Europe and Latin America on the subject of the SDGnexus Network and "The impact of climate change on water resources in Uzbekistan and its agriculture and they are conducting scientific research on the joint international scientific projects of Uzbekistan-Germany cooperation on the topic of "Assessment of the consequences in the field of hydropower".

Education and production integration activities have been launched on the basis of mutually beneficial cooperation with local and international scientific, higher education, production and management institutions in all directions of the departments of the faculty. Including

 Ministry of Ecology, Environmental Protection and Climate Change of the Republic of Uzbekistan;

 Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Economy of the Republic of Uzbekistan;

 Ministry of Water Resource of the Republic of Uzbekistan;

 Information Resource Analysis Center of the Ministry of Water Management of the Republic of Uzbekistan;

 Tashkent City Department of Ecology, Environmental Protection and Climate Change;

 Scientific Research Institute of Environment and Nature Protection Technologies;

 LLC "Tashkent water supply" and others


Dean of the faculty
Pirmatov Khabibullo

PhD, Docent

Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs
Kholbutaev Muzaffar Odilovich

Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs
Bekchanov Faxriddin Atabaevich

Deputy dean for Spiritual Affairs
Binakulov Alijon Boli o'g'li

60610600-Software engineering

Software engineering is a bachelor's degree program that is focused on training personnel to create and manage software for computers and mobile devices. Collection, processing and transmission of information. Creation of software for computers and telecommunication systems. Creation of data bases and programs for their management.

60610700-Artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence is a promising area of ​​computer science and computer engineering. Work in artificial intelligence is focused on creating methods and technologies for solving classical and intellectual problems using the design of computer systems (training, expert, consulting, robot, etc.). Unlike classical programmers, artificial intelligence specialists are able to combine the above abilities when developing software. Expanding the use of artificial intelligence technology, improving the collection, storage and processing of digital information.

60420100 - Jurisprudence (cross-border water relations

"Law" is a direction related to the field of Education, which includes state agencies, international organizations, government agencies that organize and implement the management and use of Water Resources in public and economic authorities, judicial, prosecutor's office, justice and other law enforcement agencies, law enforcement structures, notary offices, foreign economic and political spheres related to water resources, the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan and, it also covers areas of legal activity in other commercial and non-profit organizations.

60230100 - Philology and Language Teaching

This direction covers learning and analyzing English language structure, learning Teaching English as a Foreign Language. Our graduates can work in the following organizations the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, research institutes, public administration, media, publishing houses, secondary and specialized professional schools.

60812900 - Water supply engineering systems

Science, production and service covers a complex set of issues related to water management, the design, construction and operation of Engineering Systems, facilities and activities that provide residential areas and production points with water at the required level in various water supply conditions, improving water quality and improving production efficiency.

60710400 - Ecology and environmental protection (in water management)

Ecology and environment is the direction in the field of Environmental Protection. It focuses on improving professional skills and gaining job experience in the following organizations Environmental Protection and biotechnology in the system of higher and secondary specialized, vocational education, the State Committee for Ecology and Environmental Protection of the Republic of Uzbekistan and its subordinate departments, centers, State Unitary enterprises, the ministries of Agriculture of the Republic of Uzbekistan and their subordinate organizations.

60420100 - Jurisprudence (land relations)

"Law" is a branch of the educational sphere, covering the fields of legal activity in state and economic management bodies, judicial, prosecutor's office, justice and other law enforcement agencies, law structures, notary offices, government agencies carrying out activities in the foreign economic and political spheres, international organizations, land resources management bodies, Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan and network research institutes and centers, as well as other commercial and non-profit organizations.

70710406 – Waste management

Specialization in the field of ecology and environmental protection, teaching ecology, environmental protection and biotechnology in the system of higher and secondary specialized and vocational education; Ministry of Ecology, Environmental Protection and Climate Change of the Republic of Uzbekistan and subordinate organizations and research institutes, Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Uzbekistan and subordinate organizations, research institutes of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan. It covers a set of tools, methods, methods of human activity aimed at determining the horizons of government bodies of the Republic of Uzbekistan and professional skills.

70812307 – Master’s degree in rational use and management of water resources.

This is a major in water management, which is the teaching of subjects related to the perfect use and management of water resources, wastewater treatment and environmental protection in accordance with international experience; The Ministry of Water Resources of the Republic of Uzbekistan and its subordinate organizations, the Academy of Sciences, research institutes, means, methods of human activity, aimed at determining the prospects, professional skills and abilities of the authorities of the Public Administration of the Republic of Uzbekistan and covers a whole range of styles.

70710401- Master’s degree in environmental protection (in agriculture and water management)

Protection of the natural environment, assessment of the impact of planned activities of economic facilities on the environment, legal regulation of relations between nature and society, protection of land, water and air, flora and fauna, underground and surface resources from pollution, measures to prevent pollution.

Other information

Web-site: https:tiiame.uz

Dean of faculty: Pirmatov Khabibullo

Reception days: Wednesday: 10: 00-13: 00

Phone: +998-71-237-02-90

E-mail: el@tiiame.uz
