Irrigation and Melioration


Irrigation and Melioration

Head of the department "Irrigation and Melioration"

Professor Begmatov Ilxom Abduraimovich

Теl.:  +99871-237-19-56






The department "Irrigation and Melioration" is considered one of the main departments of the Faculty of Hydromelioration of the TIIAME NRU. The history of the formation of the highest technical scientific and pedagogical collective of the department, directly related to the history of the creation of TIIAME, begins from the moment the engineering and reclamation faculty was organized on the basis of the Turkestan State University (1923). Famous scientists and engineers Zhurin V.D., Yanishevsky N.A., Zalessky E.P. took an active part in the creation of the department. The first head of the department was professor Shlegel B.Kh., in subsequent years the department was headed by leading and famous scientists and engineers-melioration specialists such as Makridin N.V., Malygin V.S., Poslavsky V.V., Legostaev V.M., B.D. Korzhavin, P.V. Samostrelov. During the evacuation of the Moscow State Hydrometeorological Institute to Tashkent during the Second World War, the department was headed by Academician Kostyakov A.N. - the founder of the Soviet land reclamation science. In the future, the heads of the department were graduates of the Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers: Akhmedov H.A., Rachinsky A.A., Podgornov G.G., Rakhimbaev F.M.’s under the leadership of these scientist’s members of the department have published textbooks, teaching aids, prepared and defended candidate and doctoral dissertations. Including Professor Kh.A. Akhmedov for the first time, textbooks on irrigation and drainage reclamation were created in the Uzbek language. In recent years, the department was headed by Professor F.M. Rakhimbaev. He created many textbooks and dictionaries. He supervised the preparation of a large number of Ph.D. and doctoral dissertations. Most of the current teaching staff of the department are his students. For many years, the department has worked such teachers as Sinyakin A.F., Zagumenny A.I., Kodyrov Kh.A., Tolchinsky M.A., Khamidov I.B., Saiganov A.Ya., Sokolov A.V., Tatur O.P., Pulatova M.P., Oltmyshev O.Sh., Khalikulov S.I., Khamidov M.Kh., Shukurlaev Kh.I., Mukhammedov A.K., Begmatov I.A., Isabaev K.T., Matyakubov B.Sh., Baraev A.A., Yuldasheva S.Yu. Over the years, the department has trained many specialists, engineers-hydro-melioration specialists, constituting the main contingent of employees of the design institutes "Uzdavsuvloyikha", "Uzdavmeliosuvloyikha", the scientific and production association SANIIRI, UzNIHI and the Institute of Water Problems. Graduates of the department of different years, being prominent practitioners, scientists, teachers, created the irrigation of Uzbekistan in the XXI century. Currently, the department under the leadership of Professor I.A. Begmatov works with Professors: M.Kh. Khamidov, B.Sh. Matyakubov, S.Kh. Isayev, Associate Professors: Isabaev K.T., Kasimbetova S.A., Botirov Sh.Ch., Bekmirzaev G.T., Mamataliev A.B., Abduraimova D.A., senior lecturer Ishchanov J.K., Assistant Professors: Akhmedjanova G.T., Yulchiev D.G., Urazbayev I.K., Mardiyev Sh.Kh., Pulatova M.M., Khayitova M.S., Azizov Sh.N., Malikov E.N. All graduates of "Hydromelioration" faculty.

The teaching staff of the department conducts lectures, practical and laboratory classes in Uzbek and Russian languages. In the work of the department a significant place is taken by research work on the problems of water-saving irrigation regime, irrigation technique and technology, as well as their implementation in production. The department has prepared a large number of candidates and doctors of sciences. On topical problems in the field of agriculture and land reclamation performed and performed contractual and state budgetary works. The department pays special attention to educational and methodological works. A number of textbooks, manuals and monographs were published under the editorship of Professor F.M. Rakhimbaev. These include the textbook on practical classes "Hydrotechnical melioration of Agricultural", the textbook on the subject "Land reclamation and protection", the textbook on the subject "Improvement of Natural Conditions", dictionaries on "Hydrotechnical melioration of Agricultural " in Uzbek, Russian, Tajik, Kazakh, English, German, French languages, as well as many teaching and methodological manuals. Профессора и доценты являются докторами и кандидатами технических (или сельскохозяйственных) наук по специальности «Мелиорация и орошаемое земледелие». Professors and Associate professors are doctors and candidates of technical (or agricultural) sciences in the specialty "Melioration and irrigated agriculture". Professors and lecturers of the department conduct lectures, practical and laboratory classes in Uzbek and Russian languages. In the department of 17 educational courses of Bachelor's degree and 3 specialties of Master's degree the subjects "Irrigation melioration", "Drainage reclamation", "Land reclamation and recultivation", "Improvement of Natural Conditions", "Land reclamation, recultivation and protection", "Irrigation of Uzbekistan" are studied.