Electrical technologies and operation of electrical equipment


Electrical technologies and operation of electrical equipment

Head of Department

Berdishev Abdurakhim Sulaimanovich

Тел.: +99890+932-62-21 

Email: a.berdishev@tiiame.uz





According to the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 3003 dated May 24, 2017, the “Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Melioration” was renamed into the “Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers” as part of the “Electrification and Automation” faculty The “Agriculture and Water Management” Department “Use of Technology” was created . First, on December 15, 1979, the department was separated from the department "Electrical systems and the use of electrical energy" under the name "Use of electrical energy in agriculture." By decision of the Institute's Academic Council dated June 5, 2001, it was given the name "Electrotechnology and the operation and repair of electrical equipment." From 1979 to 2004, the department was headed by Professor Radjabov A.R.

In order to implement the Decree No. 415 of 2004 of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On improving the system of training highly qualified personnel for agriculture and water management”, the Department of Electricity Supply of Agriculture was included in the faculty. department and since 2004 under the name "Power supply and use of electrical equipment in water management." From 2004 to 2011, the department was headed by associate professor Berdishev A.S., from 2014 to 2017, associate professor Toshpolatov N.T. According to the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. PQ-3003 dated May 25, 2017, the department "Power supply and the use of electrical equipment in the water sector" is divided into the departments "Electrical technologies and the use of electrical equipment". equipment” and “Power supply and renewable energy sources”.

Efficient use of limited water resources, restoration of the biofund of agricultural lands, reuse of saline and eroded territories, conservation of ecosystem biodiversity, effective transfer of education, research and development in such important areas as "green energy" and agricultural technologies Based on the appeal, a resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan was adopted No. PQ-42 dated 10/12/2021 "On measures to radically improve the system of training engineers for economic sectors based on innovation and digitalization". Based on this decision, the Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers was renamed the "Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers" National Research University. In accordance with decision PQ-42, engineer with higher education in hydropower, irrigation systems management, construction of water facilities, cadastre and geoinformatics, green economy, green energy, ecology and environmental protection, agricultural engineering, digital technologies. personnel was identified as the main activity of the university. In order to ensure the implementation of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. PQ-42 dated 12.10.2021 “On measures to radically improve the system of training engineers for sectors of the economy based on innovation and digitalization”, in 2023 the Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers” National Research University According to the decision of the Academic Council No. 1AF, the Department of "Electrical Technologies and the Application of Electrical Equipment" was transformed into the Department of "Electrical Technologies and Operation of Electrical Equipment".

Since 2017, the department has been headed by Associate Professor Berdishev A.S. Members of the department take an active part in the scientific and educational activities of the faculty. Professors Radjabov A.R., Ismailov M.I., Mukhammadiev A.M., Musabekov P.M., Muratov H.M. successfully defended doctoral dissertations at the department and created their own scientific school. In subsequent years, scientists prepared and defended candidate dissertations at the department: Egamberdieva M.M., Toshev I.D., Belokovsky I.N., Ibragimov M.I., Muzaffarov Sh.M. .M., Toshpolatov N.T., Fayzullaev B.Sh. , Isokov A.J., Akhmedov O.T., Bakiyev A., Nuritov I., Rakhmatov D., Abdulla Said Morshed, Rabbah A. Today, these scientists work on the basis of their scientific research in various institutions and organizations of our republic and foreign countries. Since the establishment of the department, the scientific school on the topic “Application of electrotechnological methods in the processes of drying, processing and storage of agricultural products” has been considered one of the authoritative areas in our Republic. At the initiative of the department, for the first time in the Republic of Uzbekistan, under the number of the academic council dsts.03/30.12.2019.t.10.01 05.05.07 - "Electrical technologies in agriculture" and electrical engineering "dissertations are defended. increase.

To date, 05.05.07 - 8 Doctors of Science (ScD) and more than 50 Doctors of Philosophical Sciences (PhD) defended their dissertations in the specialty "Electrical technologies and electrical equipment in agriculture." Today, the Department of "Electrical Technology and Operation of Electrical Equipment" is headed by Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Berdishev A.S. At the same time, the members of the department are Ph.D., professors A. Isakov, Bokiev A.A. Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professors M. Ibragimov, T. M. Baizakov. Yunusov R.F., Matchonov O.K., Turdiboev A.A., Eshpolatov N.M., Nuralieva N.A., Yusupov Sh., Markaev N.M., head of the laboratory Abdullaeva R., laboratory assistants Rakhmanova N. .R., Makhsetova A.N., Nuraliev S.T.

According to the research plan for 2022 at the department, on the scientific topic 5.3 "Scientific and methodological foundations for the development of electrotechnology for cleaning plants, agricultural products, medical and wastewater", 20 20-2022 "Electrophysical in the processes of growing, processing and storing agricultural products" Scientific works on the subject of effects and theoretical foundations and practical solutions for the use of energy efficiency coefficients of renewable energy sources (REF). At the department 05.05.07. In the specialty "Electrical technologies and electrical equipment in agriculture", 5 main doctoral students are being trained: At the Department of "Electrical Technologies and Operation of Electrical Equipment" there is a circle "Young scientists of scientific and creative" Currently, the members of the circle are 2 undergraduates and 6 bachelors, and they work on many scientific and practical projects. . All professors and teachers of the department are attached to the students who are members of the club, a plan of the club's work and a schedule of classes are drawn up. In the department, Research Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan "Energy and Automation" (ITI), the enterprise JSC "Electr Kyshlykh Qurilish", the enterprise JSC "Tashkentdonmahsulotri", the JSC "Tashkent Oil and Oil Plant", the enterprise JSC "Tashkent Thermal Hub", subordinate to the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Uzbekistan, JSC "Electric Networks", JSC "National Electric Networks of Uzbekistan" established cooperation relations. The department has established links with the Kazakh Institute of Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture and the organization "NTP Center" of Belarus, which develops modern experimental equipment, and cooperates.