
Regulation about the Association of Honorary Alumni

1. General rules

1.1 The Association of Honorary Alumni of the National Research University “TIIAME” (hereinafter referred to as the University) is a voluntary association of the University's graduates.

1.2 The organizational and legal form of the association is a public organization.

1.3. The association conducts its activities in accordance with the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On Non-Governmental Non-Commercial Organizations”, “On Public Associations in the Republic of Uzbekistan”, other regulatory legal documents, the University Charter and implements in accordance with other normative documents of the university.

1.4.  The association operates on the principles of transparency, collegiality, mutual respect, equal rights, self-management, discretion and consideration of public opinion, and creative consensus.

1.5. To attract university graduates working in the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan and living in foreign countries, different regions of the Republic of Uzbekistan and abroad to its members.

1.6.  Foreign citizens - University graduates have the same rights as citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan University graduates.

1.7.  The activity of the association is open, and information about its foundation and program documents is available to everyone.

1.8 The name of the association is the Association of Honorary Graduates of the National Research University “TIIAME”.

1.9.  The name of the association in English: Honorary alumni association of “TIIAME” National research university

1.10.  The address of the permanent management body is 39 Kori-Niyozi street, Mirzo-Ulugbek district, Tashkent city, Republic of Uzbekistan

2. Goals and objectives of the association

2.1. The main purpose of the association's activities is to unite university graduates, strengthen their bonds with the university, use the experience and capabilities of graduates to help solve current problems of the university, ensure its competitiveness in the local and international market of educational services, as well as help university graduates. and is to support employment, exchange of information between University graduates, peers and teachers, formation of a professional team of graduates of different years and expansion of international relations.

2.2. To achieve the goal of the association, it performs the following tasks:

  • creating conditions for meetings and communication of members of the association;
  • involvement in the search and implementation of programs and projects of the Association of graduates and sponsors of the Republic of Uzbekistan, abroad;
  • organization of conferences, courses designed to stimulate creative and professional development, special events at school competitions;
  • to help preserve and develop the best traditions of the University;
  • supporting the initiatives of students, doctoral students, employees and graduates, aimed at strengthening the reputation of the University’s scientific schools in new areas of science and education;
  • carrying out activities aimed at attracting funds of local, foreign legal entities and individuals: contributing to donations, assistance and other activities;
  • to contribute to the improvement of educational, scientific and cultural activities of the University;
  • support in strengthening the university’s cooperation with organizations;
  • to contribute to the development of international cooperation of the university and to increase its reputation in the CIS and the world
3. Rights and obligations of the association

3.1. The association has the following rights for the implementation of the established goals and tasks:

  • representing and protecting the rights and legal interests of its participants and members;
  • establish their own symbols in accordance with the law;
  • represents and protects its rights and legal interests of its members in state authorities, local authorities and public associations;
  • organization of lectures, exhibitions and other events without financial participation;
  • participation in the development of prospective and current work plans;
  • to submit proposals on all issues of the association for consideration to the head of the association within the scope of his authority to facilitate practical implementation;
  • implementation of other types of activities not prohibited by law within the scope of goals and tasks defined in the statute.

3.2. The association has the following obligations:

  • compliance with the current legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the statute and generally recognized principles and norms of international law;
  • to carry out the decisions made within the framework of the authority of the union conference and the leader defined in the statute;
  • to ensure the freedom to familiarize oneself with one's activities;

keeping a report on the results of their activities.

4. Governing bodies

4.1. The following are the governing bodies of the association:

- Conference;

- Leader.

4.2. The Union Conference is considered the highest governing body of the organization, and it is convened as necessary, but at least once in five years.

Conference - can be called at the initiative of the leader.

4.3. The powers of the conference include the following issues:

  • making changes and additions to the charter and submitting the charter to the head of the University for approval in a new version;
  • determining the strategic issues of the association;

According to the charter, the conference may also resolve other issues that do not conflict with the laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan and international documents adopted in Uzbekistan.

4.4. Issues within the competence of the Conference cannot be transferred or assigned to another body of the Organization.

4.5. The meeting of the association is held at least once a year.

4.6. The head has the following powers:

  • approval of regulations on territorial divisions;
  • approval of the symbol and changes and additions to it;
  • making decisions on awarding the titles “honorary member of the association”, “honorary graduate of the University”;
  • development and implementation of the annual work plan based on the strategic plan of the association;
  • makes independent decisions on all issues related to the management of the association's activities and carries out activities;
  • participates in conferences, symposiums, meetings and other various events on behalf of the association;
  • leads the activities of the association. participates in the meetings of the organization as a leader and manages it;
  • acts on behalf of the association without a power of attorney;
  • gives power of attorney to other persons on behalf of the association;
  • has the right to be the first to sign the association's documents;
  • develops projects related to the improvement and maintenance of the Association's activities and presents them for discussion at the Conference;
  • convenes an extraordinary Conference when necessary;
  • supervises and ensures the execution of executive decisions

5.Membership in the association

5.1. The founders of the association are individuals - graduates of the University, who convened a general meeting and made a decision. The founders of the association automatically become its members with the corresponding rights and obligations:

1) Employees who have graduated from the university and are part of the university.

2) Associations of communities that support the goals of the association and participate in its activities.

3) Honorary members can enter the well-known science, culture, education, business, public, state and political spheres.

5.2. Admission to the Union is carried out by graduates by applying to the Council of the Union.

5.3. Members of the association have equal rights and the same situations.

6. Rights and obligations of members of the association

6.1. Members of the association have the following rights:

  • membership in the association can be individual or collective;
  • collective members of the association can be groups of enterprises, institutions and organizations;
  • participation in association activities;
  • to be a participant in conferences, to participate in the discussion of activity issues and to fulfill the tasks of the association;
  • submitting proposals and projects to all bodies of the association on relevant issues, participating in the discussion of all issues under consideration both before and after its activity, decision-making;
  • to receive any information about the activities of the association;
  • uses association symbols;
  • participation in university sports events;
  • uses the library-information system of the university;
  • full use of other types of services provided by the association;
  • to assist in the protection of their rights and interests protected by law, and to apply to the Union for other necessary assistance.

6.2. The members of the association are obliged to:

compliance with the association's charter;

to actively contribute to solving the problems facing the association.

7. Property and funds of the association and sources of their formation

7.1. The following are sources of funds and assets of the organization and its divisions:

  • voluntary property contributions and donations;
  • other receipts not prohibited by law.

8.Final Regulations

8.1. Amendments and additions to the charter of the association are made based on the decision of the conference.

8.2. Reorganization of the association is carried out by merger, merger, division, separation and change according to the decision of the Conference.

8.3. Termination of the association is carried out in accordance with the procedure provided for by law

8.4. The provisions of the charter cannot be interpreted in a way that contradicts the normative legal documents of the Republic of Uzbekistan, and the clauses of the provisions of the charter expressed in a way that contradicts the normative legal documents of the Republic of Uzbekistan are invalid.