
Water reuse measurement

Our university is dedicated to monitoring and optimizing water reuse across the campus as part of our commitment to sustainable resource management. The following outlines the methodology and key metrics employed to measure the effectiveness of our water reuse initiatives.

Rainwater and Groundwater Collection:

Our primary source of reusable water is a dedicated water tank designed to collect rainwater and groundwater. The tank, with a capacity tailored to our campus needs, serves as a reservoir for sustainable water use. Rainwater and groundwater are harnessed through this system, emphasizing the conservation of natural water resources.

Utilization in Laboratories and University Structures:

The collected rainwater and groundwater are judiciously distributed for use in laboratories and various university structures, including iconic features like fountains. This deliberate allocation minimizes reliance on conventional water sources and promotes responsible water consumption practices.

Closed-Loop Reuse System:

A pivotal component of our water reuse strategy is the closed-loop system. Water utilized in laboratories and structures is systematically channeled back into the collection tank, creating a self-sustaining cycle. This closed-loop system ensures that water is continuously circulated, maximizing its reuse potential.

Water Quality Monitoring:

Regular testing of the water's chemical and biological composition ensures that reused water meets established quality standards. This KPI is essential for maintaining the safety and integrity of the water supply.

Data Collection and Analysis:

Data on water consumption, tank refill rates, and water quality are systematically collected through a combination of automated monitoring systems and periodic manual assessments. Our dedicated sustainability team oversees the compilation and analysis of this data to assess the success of our water reuse initiatives.

Continuous Improvement:

Our commitment to water reuse is an ongoing endeavor. Regular reviews of performance metrics allow us to identify areas for improvement, implement operational enhancements, and explore innovative technologies that align with evolving sustainability goals.

Communication and Transparency:

Updates on water reuse metrics and achievements are communicated regularly to the university community. Transparent reporting fosters awareness, encourages responsible water use, and reinforces our collective commitment to sustainable practices.

Through diligent measurement and analysis, our university strives to not only meet but exceed our water reuse goals, contributing to a more sustainable and environmentally conscious campus community.

Our esteemed university annually engages in the judicious reuse of water held within the tanks with an overall volumetric capacity of 400,000 tons. Eventually, 40% of the water for irrigation of landscaping comes from these tanks daily. This deliberate practice exemplifies our commitment to sustainable water management and underscores our dedication to responsible resource utilization. Through systematic and conscientious measures, we endeavor to maximize the efficiency of water reuse, contributing significantly to our overarching goals of environmental stewardship and conservation.