
The use of renewable energy sources at the National Research University "TIIAME"

The course of development on Earth has always been closely related to the type and amount of energy used. Today, the volume of energy use is increasing so much that its further increase in the future will pose a great threat to the biosphere and, consequently, to the development of mankind in the future. Therefore, since the last decade of the last century, special attention has been paid to the use of solar, hydro, wind, biomass and geothermal energy sources, which are considered one of the renewable and environmentally friendly energy sources. The National Research University "TIIAME" also supports the policy of green energy and chooses the path of optimizing electricity consumption and the use of renewable energy sources based on modern world standards.

As of the first quarter of 2023, a solar power plant with a total capacity of 150 kW has been installed at the university. A feature of this power plant is that for the first time among the higher educational institutions of Uzbekistan, a solar energy storage system was installed at the university. The electricity generated is used to power the library and laboratory equipment. The advantage of this system is that it will be possible to provide consumers with uninterrupted electricity for up to two hours in the event of a power outage.

Solar panels in the library of NRU "TIIAME".

Solar panels are installed in the educational buildings of NRU "TIIAME".

By the end of the second quarter of 2023, the university plans to install solar panels with a capacity of more than 1000 kW of electricity.

Information about the research work of the university on renewable energy sources and green energy

Renewable alternative energy sources are of great importance in saving natural energy resources and their efficient use. In particular, the use of solar, wind and biomass energy is highly efficient in our republic. Of course, for this, first of all, qualified and educated personnel are needed. At present, higher educational institutions of our republic carry out training of personnel in this field. In particular, the Department of Power Supply and Renewable Energy Sources of our institute conducts training in the specialty "Alternative Energy Sources".

On November 12, a field experiment was conducted on the M39 highway for the master's thesis "Prospects for the use of wind energy for a drip irrigation system in the Indorama Agro Sardoba agrocluster" under the guidance of Professor Tursunov O.B. Direct participation in the practical research process was taken by the chief doctoral student of the department N. Abduganiyev and G. Mustafoev, a 1st year master student of the specialty "Alternative Energy Sources".

The main goal of this experiment is to determine the energy potential of car traffic and naturally generated wind flows on the M39 highway, as well as to use it to illuminate the road and provide energy to electric vehicles. The research process was carried out in three stages: Stage I from 10 to 11 am, Stage II from 15 to 16 pm and Stage III from 18 to 19 pm. The wind speed and the flow of cars on the main road were recorded at predetermined intervals of each stage. At the next stage of the master's work, the results of these measurements will be calculated using existing formulas.

In conclusion, we can say that such practical exercises are of great importance in the preparation of mature and qualified specialists in any field.