Use of hydromelioration systems


Use of hydromelioration systems

Head of the Department professor

Sherov Anvar Gulamovich

Tel.: +99871-237-23-57






The department was founded in 1927. The first name of the department was "Exploitation of Hydromelioration Systems" in 1927. The first head of the department was professor N.A.Yanishevsky, a major reclamation scientist, correspondent member of VASKhNIL (1927-1960). In 1941, most of the teachers and teaching assistants of the department, including the head of the department N.A.Yanishevsky, were drafted into military service. Professor N.A.Yanishevsky created the scientific basis of water use in irrigated agriculture and introduced it in the countries of the former Sovet Union. In the years after the war, associate professor A.N.Lyapin (1961-1970), winner of the State Prize of the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, worked as the head of the department. In 1970-1983 , the department was chaired by Honored Scientist and Technician of Uzbekistan, Honored Irrigator, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor X.A.Akhmedov, in 1983-1987 - Associate Professor P.B.Arakelov, Candidate of Technical Sciences, in 1987-1989, Engineer of Novocherkassk, Russia O.P.Kisarov, professor of the reclamation institute, doctor of technical sciences, in 1989-1997, it was managed by professor B.S.Serikbaev, doctor of technical sciences. In 1997, due to a sharp decrease in the teaching load of the department, it was temporarily merged with the department "Agricultural hydrotechnical melioration". Generalized department "Agricultural hydrotechnical melioration and use of hydromelioration systems" was headed by F.M.Rakhimbaev, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Honored Scientist of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, Honored Irrigator of Uzbekistan. From December 2001, it was announced as the "Use of Hydromelioration Systems" department, and Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor F.A.Baraev continued to be the head of the department. In 2016-2018, the candidate of technical sciences D.G.Axmedjanov was appointed as the head of the department. Since 2018, Doctor of Technical Sciences Sherov Anvar Gulamovich has been elected as the head of the "Use of hydromelioration systems" department, and 9 professors-teachers are working in the department.