Innovation and scientific research cluster for sustainable development
Innovation and scientific research cluster for sustainable development
"Cluster of innovation and scientific research on sustainable development" established under MTU "TIQXMMI" was established in March 2019 in cooperation with the Uzbekistan branch of the Central Asian Regional Ecological Center (MOMEM)
Sustainable development innovation and scientific research cluster goal
To assist in the formation of a personnel base aimed at increasing the stability and effectiveness of development projects, to attract young professionals and students to engage in scientific and design activities, to inculcate logical and critical approach thinking, from world educational sources, electronic catalogs of advanced scientific literature and is to expand the possibilities of using the database.
Mission of Innovation and Scientific Research Cluster for Sustainable Development:
implementation of development projects directly in the higher education institution, involving active, promising students in the process of administrative and operational management of projects;
popularization of scientific activity, as well as logical and critical approach thinking and establishment and orientation of relations with foreign experts;
organization of a multidisciplinary association of young scientists who are united to find solutions to specific practical problems containing specific goals and scientific ideas in an improved natural ecosystem as a result of trainings and other interactive activities;
acting as a platform for the organization and development of creative favorable conditions for the association of interested young scientists operating in various directions (programmers, entrepreneurs, marketers, financiers, etc.);
establishment and support of a sustainable connection between science and practice, as well as taking into account industry 4.0, circular economy, Internet of Things (IoT), artificial intelligence and other such trends, scientific results in ecology, water and agriculture turning into real projects for application in the public sector;
To ensure the effectiveness and stability of projects by involving the scientists of the Institute of Scientific Research in the research-related parts of their projects (technical and economic substantiation, assessment of the external environment), favorable conditions for young researchers and students to conduct practical research and create "know-how" biorat from creating.
In 2022, in cooperation with The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations ("FAO"), "Ispolzovanie geoprostranstvennyx tekhnologiy pri prinyatii resheniy o selskohozyaystvennoy deyatelnosti na primere Pakhtazarskogo massiva Mirzachulskogo rayona Dzhizakskoy oblasti Uzbekistana." participated in the innovative project.