Hydrology and hydrogeology


Hydrology and hydrogeology

Deputy Dean

Docent, assistant professor

Roʻziyev Ilxom Maxmudovich

Теl./faks: (+998-71) 2370971, (+998-71)  2373879

E-mail:  i.ruziyev@tiiame.uz





This department was created in 1987 by combining two independent departments - “Hydrogeology” and “Hydrology and flow regulation”. The Department of Hydrogeology was formed in 1944 under the leadership of Professor D.M. Katz. Over the years, the department was headed by such prominent scientists as Professor D.M. Katz (1944 – 1958), associate professor M.M. Ivanitsin (1959 – 1970), corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan, professor N.A. Kenessarin (1971 – 1975), Honored Scientist of Uzbekistan, Professor S.Sh. Mirzaev (1975 – 1979), associate professor Kh.I. Valiev (1979 – 1980), associate professor G.U. Yusupov (1981 – 1987). The department achieved notable achievements in scientific activities under the leadership of professors N.A. Kenessarin and S.Sh. Mirzaeva. The department’s scientific research has found application in practice and thus made a worthy contribution to the development of Uzbekistan. As noted above, the department received its current name in 1987, when two departments merged - “Hydrogeology” and “Hydrology and flow regulation”. The first head of the new department, “Hydrology and Hydrogeology,” was Associate Professor G.U. Yusupov (1987–1988). Later, the department was headed by: in 1988 - 1995 - Laureate of the Beruni State Prize, Professor S.M. Kasymov, in 1995 – 2005 – associate professor G.U. Yusupov, in 2005 – 2012 – associate professor D.V. Nazaraliev, in 2012 – associate professor S.E. Nurzhanov, in 2012 – 2014 associate professor A.M. Fatkhulloev, in 2014 – 2021 – associate professor D.V. Nazaraliev, in 2021 - 2023 - Professor F.A. Gapparov. Currently, the department is headed by Associate Professor I.M. Ruziev. In 1999, the department began training highly qualified bachelors, and in 2000 - masters.

As a result, the system of disciplines is expanding. In recent years, professors A.M. have taken an active part. Fatkhulloev, F.A. Gapparov, associate professors G.U. Yusupov, S.M. Karimov, A.A. Akbarov, D.V. Nazaraliev, S.E. Nurjanov, F.S. Kattakulov, I.M. Ruziev, Sh.B. Akmalov. Today, the department is preparing mature personnel in the bachelor's degrees 60530800-Hydrology (hydrology of rivers and reservoirs) and 60812600-Reclamation hydrogeology. The department has great scientific and pedagogical potential for transferring deep knowledge to students. Today the following professors work effectively at the department: A.M. Fatkhulloev, F.A. Gapparov; Associate Professors: D.V. Nazaraliev, S.E. Nurzhanov, I.M. Ruziev, Sh.B. Akmalov, F.S. Kattakulov; senior teachers: S.M. Kadyrov, S.R. Mansurov, F.A. Okhunov; assistants: G.U. Zhumaboeva, Zh.S. Khamrokulov; trainee teachers: Sh.G. Nortaev, F.I. Ochildiev, Sh.Sh. Yakhshiev, Sh.G. Shodiev, B. Karabaeva, Z.Kh. Bahronova.n connection with changes in the state educational standard, since 2008, the Department of Hydrology of Reservoirs was included in the department, and specialists are being trained according to a unified curriculum. By 2012, 20 to 25 specialists were trained in this field per year. In 2015, the need for specialists in the field of education was revised by the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan by Resolution No. 66 of February 11, 2016 and Order No. 1 of March 1, 2016. As a result, specialty No. 89 “Hydrology of reservoirs” was revised and changed to the specialty “Hydrology (in reservoirs).” In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated October 8, 2019 No.

PF-5847, a system for supporting innovative education and technology transfer was approved, ensuring an inextricable link between education and production, radically improving the activities of higher educational institutions, increasing their international authority, and creating an effective system management and improvement of the higher education system of the Republic of Uzbekistan. As part of the consistent implementation of the tasks set in the development concept until 2030, the state educational standard was changed. Thus, the educational direction “Hydrology (in reservoirs)” was changed to the educational direction “Hydrology (hydrology of rivers and reservoirs)”. In accordance with the decision of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated May 4, 2017 No. PK-2954 on measures to regulate the rational use of groundwater reserves for the period 2017-2021 were implemented. In addition to training highly qualified specialists, the department’s staff pays special attention to the rational management of water resources in the context of global climate change. We adhere to the use of water resources based on water-saving technologies and improve water management activities. Also, our work is focused on maintaining the ecological and reclamation condition of irrigated lands. We are actively developing scientific and practical foundations, conducting large-scale research work to study the negative consequences of global climate change and their mitigation. In addition, we pay a high level of attention to spiritual and educational work among students. The department’s connections are being strengthened with related departments of higher educational institutions in foreign countries and our republic, as well as with production, research and design organizations.