Faculty of Hydromelioration


Faculty of Hydromelioration

Dean of the faculty

Ishchanov Javlonbek Kurbanbayevich

Candidate of technical sciences, associate professor

Reception days: Monday, Wednesday, Friday (14:00-16:00)

Tel: (+998 71) 237-19-80

E-mail: j.ishchanov@tiiame.uz

Website: www.hm.tiiame.en


The Hydromelioration faculty was established in 1923 as part of the Technical faculty of the Turkestan State university in order to train personnel in the field of "Melioration engineering". In the early days of the establishment of the faculty, 49 professors taught 274 students in reclamation engineering. The history of the Faculty of Hydromelioration is closely related to the history of the university, and on November 16, 1934, it began to function as part of the "Tashkent institute of irrigation and agricultural mechanization engineers". The contributions of mature scientists and major specialists in the establishment and development of the faculty, as well as its formation as a prestigious scientific center on the scale of Central Asia, are incomparable. Especially V.D.Jurin, T.N.Kori-Niyazov, A.N.Gostunsky, B.D.Korjavin, K.A.Akhmedov, A.N.Askochensky, V.V.Poslavsky, N.A.Yanishevsky, V.F.Bulayevsky, F.P.Morgunenkov, Ye.I.Zamarin, N.V.Makridin, S.T.Altunin, T.A.Kolpakova.  thanks to his efforts, the faculty was a leader in the fields of science and education. Today, the faculty includes "Hydraulics and hydroinformatics", "Hydrology and hydrogeology", "Irrigation and reclamation", "Using hydromelioration systems", "Mechanization of hydromelioration works", "Professional education", "Safety of life activities", "Physics and Chemistry" departments and "EcoGIS" center have been established. In the faculty, the experienced professors and teachers of the departments and centers organize scientific research and educational process at the level of modern requirements for bachelor and masters students.

In the faculty, the branches of the economy, in particular, the ministries of water management, agriculture and ecology, environment and climate change of the Republic of Uzbekistan, and among the leading organizations under its jurisdiction, prestigious foreign and domestic companies such as Netafim, Agrodrip, Ecodrip, Smart Solution "Water management and land reclamation", "Innovative technologies and their use in water management", "Hydrology", "Melioration hydrogeology", "Professional education", "Mechanization of water management and land reclamation" for the needs of enterprises, "Labor protection and technical safety", "Materials science and technology of new materials" have been training competitive personnel. From the 2023-2024 academic year, in accordance with the decision of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan . PD-42 of December 10, personnel training in the field of education "Aerospace technologies and sustainable development" has been launched. Today, more than 1,200 students are studying in these fields of study in modern condition.

In order to identify talented students and involve them widely in educational and scientific activities, the faculty organizes various competitions and events in the field at various republican and international levels. In recent years, in cooperation with international organizations and projects, "World Water Day" has been organized at the national and international levels. As a result of the efforts of the faculty team to work with talented students and increase their efficiency, more than 10 presidential scholarships, more than 30 candidates for the state scholarship named after Beruniy, more than 20 winners of republican science olympiads, more than 100 different international and national start-ups and competition winners have been prepared.

In order to improve the quality of education and to enrich educational materials with the achievements of today's science, the faculty is carrying out large-scale research and development works. In particular, in recent years, in accordance with the scientific problems and orders of the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation and Water Management, as well as cooperation agreements, the effective use of water resources in the context of global climate change, the use of irrigated lands within the framework of the sustainable development goals of the United Nations improvement of land reclamation, research of irrigation standards and regimes of agricultural crops based on geoinformation systems, creation of software for designing water-saving technologies, improvement of hydrological regimes of reservoirs, hydraulics and hydrology of open riverbeds and water 20.0 billion for increasing the hydraulic efficiency and operational reliability of irrigation networks. More than 100,000 soums of fundamental, practical and construction works are being carried out and are gradually being involved in the educational process.

The faculty is engaged in a wide range of activities related to the study of foreign experience and the development of international cooperation. In recent years, as a result of the effective activity of the faculty scientists, 16 international research projects with a total value of 354030 $ + 837990 € in the fields of comprehensive scientific, methodical and academic mobility with prestigious scientific research institutes and universities of the USA, European countries, CIS and Eastern countries grands have been achieved. In order to expand the scope of international cooperation, regular international scientific conferences, seminars-trainings and various competitions are held at the faculty. Also, professors and teachers of the faculty departments of the prestigious scientific research institutes and universities of countries such as China, Turkey, and Slovakia are involved in the educational process.

In recent years, in cooperation with UN development programs, Lindsay and USAID of the United States, Israel's Netafim, Korea's K-Water, China's SuperMap and Xinjiang-Tianye and other large foreign companies and projects to improve the educational process, strengthen the material and technical base, and student practice significant results are being achieved in increasing efficiency.