Electricity supply and renewable energy sources


Electricity supply and renewable energy sources

Head of Department

Qodirov Dilshod Botirovich, DSc

Tel:71 237-19-68

Email: d.kodirov@tiiame.uz





The department was separated from the Department of Electrical Engineering in 1963, named “Electricity Generation and Distribution” and is now called “Electricity Supply and Renewable Energy Sources”. Since establishment, following professors have been effectively and successfully leading the department:

  • N.P. Osika in 1963-1964;
  • M.A. Alimov in 1964-1971;
  • E.D. Tashev in 1971-1972;
  • Sh.D. Sakhibov in 1972-1979;
  • E.T. Kalafatov in 1979-1982;
  • B. Sh. Fayzullayev in 1982-1989;
  • Ya.T. Adilov in 1989-2001;
  • N.T. Toshpolatov in 2001-2004;
  • A.S. Berdishev in 2004-2011;
  • N.T. Toshpolatov in 2011-2017;
  • Yusubaliev in 2017-2018;
  • Currently, the department is headed by D.B.Kodirov.

Late teachers such as M.Alimov, Sh.Sakhibov, B.Faizullayev, M.Ismailov, E.Tashev, P.Musabekov, B.Ubaidullayev contributed greatly to the development of the department. Currently, professors and teachers such as E.Kaladarov, Ya.Adilov, Sh.Muzaffarov, A.Mirzabayev, O.Tursunov, A.Rakhmatov, N.Toshpolatov, S.Khushiyev, J.Izzatillayev are working diligently for the development of the department. To date, professors and teachers of the department have published more than 400 scientific articles, 12 monographs, 11 textbooks and 28 study guides. Today, the department has established cooperation with the following agencies and organizations:

  • Ministry of Water Management,
  • National Electric Networks of Uzbekistan JSC,
  • “Regional Electric Networks”JSC
  • “Uzbekhydroenergo” JSC,
  • National Scientific Research Institute of Renewable Energy Sources,
  • “Fizika-Kuyosh" scientific production association,
  • “Uzkabel” and “ProCab” joint ventures.

      Branches of the department have been established in 4 of the above partners. The department cooperates with Krakow University of Technology of the Republic of Poland and Karabuk University of the Republic of Turkey. On the initiative of the department, the "International Conference on Energetics, Civil and Agricultural Engineering" international scientific and practical conference is organized every year in cooperation with Krakow University of Technology in Poland and Karabuk University in Turkey. (Official website of the conference: http://icecae.tiiame.uz/  ).

Targeted courses and seminars (circles) were organized for talented students, graduate students and researchers with the participation of leading scientists. Talented students have been taking pride of place in the Republican Science Olympiad. A special "Research Laboratory" has been established under the department for conducting business contracts, conducting foreign grants, and conducting scientific research work of talented students, graduate students, young scientists and professors of the department. Today, 5 professors, 5 docents, 2 lecturers and 6 assistants are working in the main staff of the department. Since the establishment of the department, the scientific school on "Application of electrotechnological methods in the processes of drying, processing and storage of agricultural products" is still considered one of the potential scientific directions in our Republic. In 2020, the following dissertations were successfully defended for obtaining scientific degrees at the department:

  • Muzafarov Sh. Doctor of Technical Sciences (DSc),
  • Primov O. Doctor of Technical Sciences (DSc),
  • In 2021, Izzatillayev J., doctor of philosophy (PhD) in technical sciences,
  • In 2022, Babayev A. is a doctor of philosophy (PhD) in technical sciences,
  • Kodirov D. Doctor of Technical Sciences (DSc),
  • Mamadzhanov A. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in technical sciences.

According to the decision of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. PQ-3003 dated May 25, 2017, the name of the department “Electricity supply and use of electrical equipment in water management” was changed to “Electricity supply and renewable energy sources”.