
Department of women's advisory council

Council on Women's advisory:

Ismailova Zuhra Karabaevna

Mobile phone: 90-921-00-61

E-mail: z.ismailova@tiiame


About the council

  1. This Model Regulation (hereinafter referred to as the Regulation) defines the main tasks, functions, powers of the Council on Women's Issues (hereinafter referred to as the Council) within the system of the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation, and works on.
  2. The Council is a permanent community-based Council that supports women's social and political affairs, protects their rights and legal interests, and helps to implement social and political guarantees reflected in the Constitution and Laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
  3. The composition of the Council is established by the decisions of the meeting of the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation, heads of regional departments, rectors (directors) of educational institutions and directors of branches, and the amendments to it are approved by the chairman of the meeting.
  4. Decisions of the council have a recommendation nature.
  5. In its activities, the Council complies with the Constitution and laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan, decisions of the Chambers of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, decrees, decisions and orders of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, decisions and orders of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan complies with the regulatory documents of the Ministry of Education, Science and Innovation, this Regulation and other legal documents.
  6. The Council operates on the basis of the principles of legality, collegiality, transparency, mutual cooperation and respect, equal rights, discretion and consideration of public opinion.

The main purpose of the council

It is to ensure the effective implementation of the state policy to support women, to protect their rights and legal interests, and to organize work to increase their role and activity in the social and political life of the country.

Main tasks and functions of the council

  • Collaboratively organizes work to ensure the effective implementation of the state policy to support women, protect their rights and legal interests, and increase their role and activity in the country's social and political life;
  • to strengthen the role of women in labor unions, in the field of state and public administration, to assist in the organization of targeted work on social and legal support, and systematic monitoring of their opinions;
  • timely detection of women's problems, women in need of help and women in a difficult social situation, including disabilities
  • assists in creating address lists of pregnant women, providing them with social-legal, psychological and material assistance, and providing them with means of rehabilitation;
  • carries out public control over the implementation of legal documents on guarantees of equal rights and opportunities for women and men and develops relevant proposals;
  • monitors the implementation of legislation on the protection of women from oppression and violence, submits to the ministry the recommendations developed on the identification of victims of violence, their rehabilitation, and protection of their rights; • participates in the development and implementation of a regional program in the field of protection of women from oppression and violence;
  • preparing students and girls for family life, directing young families to social activity, widely promoting the life activities and lifestyles of women who are role models and engaged in socially useful work among them;
  • on compliance with the principles of legality, social justice, and transparency in the selection of candidates for holding various pageants and sports competitions among women, for awarding the Zulfiya State Prize and the badge of "Reputable Woman" exercises effective public control;
  • ensures and directly participates in the introduction of documents, standards and requirements for the protection of women's rights in national and international legislation;
  • a woman employee working effectively in the system submits a proposal for recommendation for State awards.

Address: Tashkent city, Qori-Niyazi str - 39.