Construction Organization and Technology


Construction Organization and Technology

Head of the Department "Construction Organization and Technology"

Yunusova Farida Rakhmonberdievna

Сandidate of technical sciences, associate professor.

Tel.:  +99871-237-19-97







The department was established in 1929 as part of the "Central Asian Institute of Irrigation and Water Management" (Central Asian Institute of Irrigation and Water Management  SAIIVX) "Organization and Mechanization of Hydromelioration Works" and later under the name "Organization and Technology of Hydromelioration Works"  .  Professor at the department in 1929-1945.  V.V.  Apolosov, professor in 1945-1966.  Ye. G. Pospelov, professor in 1966-1982.  A.G. Ostankov, associate professor A.M. Valijonov in 1982-1989, associate professor P.U. Alikulov in 1989-1993, associate professor N.R. Rahmatov in 1993-1999, professor B.B. Khasanov in 1999-2004, associate professor G'.T.  Davranov, in 2012-2019 it was supervised by associate professor L.Kh. Irmukhamedova. The department has professors Ye.F. Bulaevsky, V.S. Shuvaev, A.G. Ostankov, associate professors E.G. Travin, M.M. Shapshal, Z.I. Shvab, K.K. Shubladze, E.M. Ostrovsky, B.B. Korjavin, A.Ya. Sayganov, senior teachers A.N. Markanov, V.A. Markhlevsky, N.V.  Rahimova worked.  N.P. Kiselev, L.A. Gavrilenko, P.A. Ostankov, B.B. Khasanov worked effectively for many years.  The department has a unique experience in the field of conducting research and applying their results to production. From the construction of the Big Fergana Canal and the development of Mirzachol to the present, the professors and teachers of the department have  continue to apply their scientific solutions to the national economy.  Under the leadership of Professor V.F. Bulaevsky, the technology of covering the Fergana Canal with cast concrete was developed to prevent water from seeping into the soil and wasting it. 

In the 1970s, scientists B.B. Korjavin and N.V. Markhlevsky created and applied the technology and equipment for the construction of earthen dams by the "Hydromechanization" method in the conditions of Uzbekistan.  N.P.Kiselev and P.A.Ostankov used the results of their scientific work in the field of concrete works in the construction of the Karshi main canal, inter-farm canals and internal farm irrigation networks.  In 1980-1986, associate professor A.Ya. Sayganov and graduate student B.B. Hasanov created and applied to production a new technology and equipment for the production of concrete pipes without reinforcement intended for the construction of irrigation and drainage networks.  Professor A.G. Ostankov and assistant A.R. Muratov created the technology of making prefabricated reinforced concrete products for hydromelioration construction in the 1980s and 1990s. In February 2023, the name of the department was changed to "Construction Organization and Technology".  During 2021-2023, the "Construction materials and soil mechanics" laboratory within the department was reconstructed and prepared for equipping with modern equipment.  This, in turn, made it possible to open a new "Quality control in construction" undergraduate education at the department.  On November 2, 2023, in cooperation with the Austrian company "FELDER GROUP", the "Innovative training center for woodworking" was solemnly opened at the department and an opportunity was created to train personnel in the "Woodworking technology" undergraduate education. Woodworking processes at the center are performed using modern automated equipment, computer-controlled machines and classic equipment. By the professors-teachers of the department on the results of educational-methodical and scientific research during 1991-2023 15 textbooks, 20 study guides, 10 monographs, more than 150 scientific articles, 12  inventions and patents, more than 50 methodological instructions, more than 10 recommendations and information booklets were published.