Agricultural machinery and technologies


Agricultural machinery and technologies

Head of the Department

Astanakulov Komil Dullievich

doctor of technical sciences, professor

Теl.: +99897-130-45-74







The department was opened in 1929 on the basis of the Central Asian State University. Then she was transferred to the Cotton - Irrigation Polytechnic Institute. It was headed by Professor Ya.A. Moiseevich. After the organization of the Tashkent Institute of Irrigation Engineers and Agricultural Mechanization, the department was headed by Academician M.V. In 1957, M.V. Sablikov was invited to work at the Agricultural Academy, which was located in Moscow. In 1957, the Honored Worker of Science of Uzbekistan V.I. Lazunov was appointed head of the department. V.I. Lazunov made a great contribution to the development of the theories of cotton pickers, in particular, substantiated their kinematic parameters. After the death of V.I. Lazunov in 1972 - 1983. The department was headed by prof. S.P. Pulatov. Professor S.P. Pulatov, among the creators of the OVKh-14 tractor sprayer, was awarded the Beruni State Prize. Professor S.P. Pulatov combined the head of the department, being the Minister of Higher Education of the Republic. For 17 years he worked as the rector of TIIAME. In 1983 - 1988 the department was headed by the honored machine operator of Uzbekistan prof. M.S. Ganiev. He supervised the work of the mechanization of harvesting guzapoi. In 1987, Associate Professor T.Abdullaev was appointed head of the department, who was replaced in 1989 by Academician R.D.Matchanov. Professor R.D. Matchanov contributed to the improvement of cotton pickers. In 2000 - 2004, the department was headed by associate professor B.Yu.Yusupov.

In 2023, the name of the department "Agricultural machinery" was changed to "Agricultural machinery and technologies". Academic departments made a great contribution to the development of mechanization of agriculture in the Republic. Professor M. Shoumarova for the first time among Uzbek women was awarded the degree of candidate of technical sciences in the mechanization of agriculture. Associate professors N.P.Polekutin, K.Isaev, D.M.Musaev completed a dissertation on the improvement of plows, associate professors M.B.Bogatyrev, G.A.Timofeev, B.Utepov - on the improvement of cotton seeders, B.M.Kaltunov, Sh.Dadazhanov, A.N.Shirmanov, M.Shoumarova, T.Abdillaev, A.Duskulov - to improve cotton pickers. Prof. B.M.Khudayarov created a combined unit for the manufacture of combs without harvesting the guzapai. Assoc. A. Sirojiddinov, J. Alizhanov are working on the improvement and creation of feed grinders. Professor M. Shoumarov together with Assoc. T. Abdillaev successfully create teaching aids, textbooks on the mechanization of various branches of agriculture. They have published 14 textbooks for colleges and universities. Their textbooks were twice recognized as the best in the Republican competition