On the defense of the dissertation of Abdurazzokov Javakhir Rustamovich, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in technical sciences


 On the defense of the dissertation of Abdurazzokov Javakhir Rustamovich, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in technical sciences

Abdurazzokov Javakhir Rustamovich 01/05/03 – defense of his doctoral dissertation on the topic “Algorithms for the formation and classification of nonlinear components” in the specialty “Theoretical foundations of computer science” “Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers” he national degree-granter at the research university DSc.03/26.05.2022.T.10.05 will be held at a meeting of the Academic Council on November 22, 2024 at 14:00.

 Address: 100000, Tashkent city, Kori Niyozi street, 39.

 Phone: (99871) 237-46-68

 email: admin@tiiame.uz