
IRC NIU TIIIMSH - Foundation of culture and education

The Information Resource Center of the Scientific Research University "TIIIMSH" is one of the largest university centers in Uzbekistan. On October 16, 2023, the grand opening of the new IRC “Research University “TIIIMSKH” took place. The opening was attended by the Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan Aripov A.N., representatives of the library named after. A. Navoi and other IRCs of the republic.The opening began with a speech by the rector of the university B.S. Mirzaeva. He addressed the guests with a speech in which he highlighted the most important historical stages in the formation of the IRC NIU "TIIIMSKH".The information resource center was created on the basis of the TIIIMSH library on December 1, 1934. In 1941. The library's collection consisted of 150 thousand copies of books, which made it possible to sufficiently provide the educational process with literature. During the difficult war years of 1941-1945, the library provided literature for the educational process of not only its institute, but also the Moscow Irrigation Institute, the Leningrad Electrotechnical Institute and the Kharkov Institute of Agricultural Mechanization, which were transferred to Tashkent. After the end of the war, about 5 thousand books were sent to areas liberated from the Nazi invaders to restore libraries destroyed by the enemy. However, the organization of new faculties and departments, a significant increase in the number of students, set the TIIIMSH library the task of increasing the acquisition of its collections. Therefore, by the mid-50s, the fund grew to 200 thousand copies of literature. The quality of reader service has improved. Completed in 1960 reconstruction of the institute's educational building made it possible to expand the library's book storage area to 819 sq.m. A “Reading Room” was opened on the institute’s campus, and in Andijan, at a branch of the institute, a “Library Branch”. Subsequently, on its basis, the library of the Andijan Institute of Cotton Growing was created. In 1970, by a resolution of the Scientific Council of the Institute, the library was awarded the status of “Scientific Library of TIIIMSH”, which served as the basis for the organization of the Information Resource Center (IRC). In 1970, the library already had 469 thousand copies. printed works, which allowed it to sufficiently fully meet the increased requirements of the educational, educational and scientific work of the institute. From the first days of independence, the library began to equip its collection with literature that complies with the state standard, aimed at the formation and education of a developed generation, reflecting democratic, legal, socio-economic national policies. New technological methods of organizing work in the library were created using automated processes in reference, bibliographic and library work, the system of maintaining a reference and retrieval apparatus, and the promotion of bibliographic information were improved. A department of Automation and Mechanization was organized in the library. Based on the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated June 20, 2006 PP-381 “On the organization of information and library support for the population of the republic”, order of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education dated December 29, 2006 No. 295, also on the internal order of the institute dated February 7, 2007 year No. 21, the a/f “Resource Center - Library” was renamed into “Information and Resource Center”. The creation and development of the library, its successes and achievements are inextricably linked with the names of leading librarians who worked in different years, who, with their conscientious work and knowledge, made a great contribution to the training and education of engineering personnel for the water and agriculture of the republic. This is the director of the library (Asfendiyarov N.Kh.), leading librarians (Guseva K.S.), (Chernikov V.N.), (Surnina V.A.), (Petrova N.V.), (Yangaeva F.Kh.), (Gasilo R.A.), (Yagor G.G.), Klimkina R.D., Tashkuzieva B.U., Khodzhaeva M.N., Makova V.I., Zabotin N.N. Sadovnikova V.M., Milichenkova N.Yu., Akhmedova M., Mustayapova N.T. and etc.

About the Information Resource Center

Main tasks of the IRC:

1.  Formation of a library collection based on the areas of activity of the university and the needs of users for information.

2. Provision of information and bibliographic services, teachers , researchers, students and other users based on their information needs, taking into account the rules for using the IRC fund.

3. Assistance in carrying out research conducted at the university, providing assistance in the educational process and in carrying out administrative and managerial tasks of the university departments.

4. Fostering an information culture among users: preparing users to work with reference and analytical material, including electronically. Training users in the basics of library and bibliographic knowledge, organizing a training system for working with documents on new, non-traditional information media.

5. Search for new directions in solving organizational issues, introduction of modern technologies based on the use of modern information technology and other modern technical means, expanding the circle of users of the IRC, improving the quality of their service.

6. Conducting methodological work on library and information services.

7. Integration of the activities of the university’s structural divisions with other public organizations, libraries, scientific and technical reference institutions and organizations, in order to better meet the needs of users for information and literature.

8. Providing reference, information and methodological assistance to higher educational institutions of the republic on issues of information and library services.

Main functions of the IRC:

1. The IRC ensures the acquisition of the fund in accordance with educational programs, the university curriculum and scientific research topics. Organizes the acquisition of literature and other documents of various types and types (including in electronic form): educational, scientific, reference publications, periodicals and fiction.

2. Specifies the sources of acquisition of the fund. If necessary, carries out book exchange with other libraries, institutions and organizations.

3. To optimize and form the fund, it constantly analyzes the composition of the fund and book distribution.

4. Periodically checks the collection and discloses its composition using the library’s electronic catalog. Develops thematic bibliographic indexes and information lists, and other publications reflecting the activities of the IRC, to disclose the fund and its advertising.

5. Ensures constant acquisition, timely accounting, storage of the fund, organizes rational control, compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards, digital scanning of publications related to the activities of the university, and their introduction into the electronic catalog.

6. Provides library and information-bibliographic services to users:

6.1. Organizes service for users in reading rooms, educational and scientific subscriptions by category, on the basis of a single library card at places where literature is issued. Grants users the right to free access to the library collection in the prescribed manner.

6.2. Provides users with basic free library services:

- Provides complete information about the library collection using the IRBIS64+ system database;

- Provides advisory assistance in searching and selecting published works and other documents;

- Lends published works and other documents from the library’s collections for temporary use;

- Provides the right of access to the electronic catalog and publications;

- Organizes thematic book exhibitions, bibliographic reviews, compiles bibliographic references, lists of references to assist the scientific and educational activities of the university;

6.3. Constantly studies readers' interest in information.

7. Provides additional services to users based on their requirements, in accordance with the list certified by the order of the university. Expands activities for the socio-cultural development of the library, expands the services provided to users.

8. Organizes classes on the basics of library and bibliographic knowledge for students and users of other categories.

9. Excludes (writes off) documents from the library collection on the basis of current regulatory and legal documents. Identifies non-profile, doublet literature.

10. Organizes and conducts independently or jointly with other departments of the university, libraries and other institutions scientific and methodological conferences on issues of library, bibliographic and information activities.

11. Organizes and conducts scientific, methodological and research work to improve the activities of the library.

12. Engaged in automation of library processes, promotes advanced library technologies. Conducts various studies to study user interests.

13. Summarizes the joint work of university staff with scientific societies and public organizations.

14. Conducts joint work on issues of library, bibliographic and information activities of IRC libraries and other institutions and organizations.

15. Develops methodological manuals and documents related to the activities of the IRC.

IRC Foundation:

As of 2023, the amount of the fund is 646,512 units. archives, the IRC database contains more than 103.325 thousand bibliographic records (textbooks, teaching aids, dictionaries, encyclopedias, scientific literature, magazines, newspapers, articles and fiction), in addition, more than 54.179 thousand full-text electronic textbooks, teaching aids, dictionaries, encyclopedias, scientific literature, magazines, newspapers and articles.

At the IRC, through the introduction of information and communication technologies, they provide information and library services to faculty and students, create comfortable conditions to increase their intellectual level, knowledge and fully satisfy their spiritual, moral and cultural needs. In this direction, the IRC has created the following databases (DBs) for users in the IRBIS system:

- The database of the electronic catalog of the National Research University "TIIIMSKH" consists of 58,527 bibliographic records (textbooks, teaching aids, dictionaries, encyclopedias, magazines, newspapers, articles, scientific and fiction literature);

- DB of the TIIIMSH electronic library is an electronic catalog that consists of textbooks, teaching aids, dictionaries, encyclopedias, magazines, newspapers, articles, scientific and fiction literature with full-text files;

- The database of the electronic catalog of abstracts consists of abstracts with full-text files;

- The database of the electronic catalog of newspapers and magazines consists of periodicals and articles, bibliographic records and full-text files.


Head - Milichenkova Natalya Yurievna

Main functions of the department:

 - Formation of an electronic database of current articles from journals received by the IRC in the electronic catalog “IRBIS-64+” “DAVR-Periodika”;

 - Creation of an electronic database on official materials of the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan: (Laws, Regulations, Decrees);

- Organization of newspaper files about the history of the Scientific Research University (TIIIMSH);

- Placing UDC codes on dissertations and scientific articles in periodicals, teaching staff, undergraduates of the university;

- Conducting information and bibliographic consultations with teaching staff, undergraduates, all users of the IRC based on their information needs, training in the rules of using the electronic program IRBIS-64+;

- Carrying out address-bibliographic, thematic, factual references at the request of readers;

- Conducting methodological work on issues of library and information services with employees of other departments of the IRC TIIIMSH and IRC of other universities;

- Publication of articles on the TIIIMSH website of information about the most important events and activities held at the IRC;

- Organization of an exhibition of the Works of the teaching staff of the National Research University “TIIIMSKH” (updating, addition of new copies).


Head of the department - Khidirov Khurshid Tulkunovich

Main tasks of the department:

- Organization of digitization and cataloging of the IRC collections by step-by-step translation of existing literature into electronic format with copyright protection, based on industry regulations adopted in the Republic of Uzbekistan. - Translation of publications available in the IRC collection into electronic PDF format, processing them using special Acrobat programs ® 7.0 Professional, Acrobat® 7.0 Elements, ABBYY Fine Reader and ensuring the possibility of high-quality loading of electronic publications into the automated information and library system IRBIS-64+;

- Replenishment of the database in the automated information and library system IRBIS64+ with the necessary full-text electronic literature required (requested) by students, teaching staff and other users;

 - Training students, teachers and other categories of users in methods of quickly and easily searching the electronic catalog of the IRC for the literature they need;

 - Editing existing records in the electronic catalogue.

 - Placing in the electronic catalogue of literature received through interlibrary loan from other   

 libraries at the request of users;

 - Consulting students, teaching staff and other categories of users on working in the automated  

 information and library system IRBIS-64+;

 - Conducting seminars for users on the rules for using the electronic library.


Main tasks of the department:

- Fulfillment of requests for the purchase of literature on the profile of departments, prompt provision of thematic plans and catalogues of publishing houses producing educational, scientific and reference literature to dean's offices;

- Systematic accounting of received publications using information technology, writing off old and outdated literature, timely submission of reports on the use of financial resources of the IRC;

- Performing work on acquisition and cataloging of funds:

The collection of the fund is carried out

• through publishing houses, bookstores and private companies;

• through printing houses and other organizations;

• through subscription;

• due to donated literature;

- Carrying out technical processing of library resources,

- Classification of literature by branches of knowledge and compilation of electronic bibliographic descriptions.

- Formation of an electronic catalog of the IRC in the IRBIS-64+ system;

- Implementation of methodological guidance on the use of electronic catalogs and card files.


Head – Akhmedova Makhbuba Khikmatovna

Main tasks of the department:

 Main tasks of the department:

Providing users with information and library services, including printed and electronic library resources available in the IRC collection.

- Readers are being recorded.

- Service for all categories of users: teachers, students, doctoral students, employees, etc.

- Organization of exhibitions for significant and memorable dates

SCIENTIFIC LITERATURE SUBSCRIPTION – serves all categories of users: teaching staff, students, employees, agricultural specialists, including users from other organizations. For users from other organizations, books and other documents are issued upon presentation of an identity card. In the scientific subscription, users can use textbooks, teaching aids, scientific and fiction literature, as well as periodicals published in our republic. In the scientific subscription, users register in the IRBIS64+ system, literature is accepted on order and delivered to their home.

STUDENT READING ROOM is the largest of the halls serving students. The “Open Fund” of the student reading room contains more than 12,000 books and other documents: works of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan in Uzbek, Russian and other languages, textbooks frequently requested by students, teaching aids, encyclopedias (by industry), dictionaries, including periodicals published in the republic. In the training room, “self-service” of users is organized for users based on the RFID system. Users are also provided with additional workstations for using personal computers.

PROFESSORAL - TEACHING READING ROOM - serves the teaching staff of the university, doctoral students, masters, researchers, as well as independent researchers from other organizations. In the training room, user workstations are equipped with modern computer technologies, and additional workstations are allocated for the use of personal computers. Users can connect to the Internet through IRC computers or PCs. In the training room based on the IRBIS 64+ system, users are provided with full-text databases, an electronic catalog of abstracts and dissertations, as well as electronic educational literature available in the IRC and the electronic database “Periodicals”. The auxiliary fund of the Professorial and Teaching Reading Room contains local newspapers and magazines, including magazines of the Russian Federation for the current year, dissertations, abstracts and reports.

STUDY LIBRARY – serves students from all faculties of the university. The collection of the educational library consists mainly of textbooks and teaching aids. Here, using the IRBIS-64+ system, students are registered in the library and books are issued to their homes. With each new academic year, books are re-registered.

COMPUTER ROOMS FOR STUDENTS - serves all categories of users. In the computer room, user workstations are equipped with modern computer technologies and they are all connected to the Internet. A full-text database has been created in the IRBIS64+ system. This database is widely used by users in the educational process. IRC users are given the opportunity to record resources on various media, receive advice on searching for information in electronic reference and retrieval devices, information systems and databases.

BRANCHES OF THE STUDENT READING ROOM AT HOSTELS – serve students of all faculties living in the university dormitories. The reading room stock mainly consists of textbooks, teaching aids and fiction. The works of the President in Uzbek and Russian languages, frequently requested by users, have been collected, including those devoted to the latest and most relevant topics, reference publications: encyclopedias (by industry), dictionaries. The reading room also contains local periodicals. Advisory assistance is provided in searching for information and selecting sources. Literature is issued only for use in the dormitory reading room.


Head - Kholikova Shakarkhon Islamovna

Main tasks of the department:

- Introduction of traditional and modern information technologies, taking into account the needs of users for foreign information;

- Formation of an electronic catalog of foreign literature and a full-text database in the IRBIS64+ system database;

- Maintaining information and bibliographic services to readers using traditional and electronic foreign literature;

- Development of technological and regulatory documents on issues of servicing users of foreign literature;

- Conducting consultations on the use of the electronic information base of the IRBIS64+ system

- Participation in the organization of new exhibitions of foreign literature.

- Carrying out work on accepting new foreign literature into the department’s fund.