

On August 27, 2024, there was held a meeting under the leadership of our esteemed President Shavkat Mirziyoyev, where issues of ensuring energy efficiency and expanding the use of alternative energy sources were discussed. At the beginning of this year, targets for saving electricity and natural gas were set in the regions. In particular, while assessing the efficiency of electrical networks (calculating electricity losses), together with professors and teachers of Fergana Polytechnic Institute and officials of regional electrical networks, losses in electrical networks connected to the 35/35 network were determined. At the 10 kV Logon substation in  Fergana region, it was indicated that the work carried out in connection with reduction methods can be cited as an example. It was noted that the synchronous work of scientists and representatives of manufacturing enterprises in mutual cooperation without an exchange of ideas will necessarily lead to effective results. In this regard, on September 4-5, 2024, an offline training course was held at Fergana Polytechnic Institute, aimed at organizing the educational process in the form of Dual Education in Higher Education Institutions that train personnel in the energy sector. The event was attended by the teachers Zh.O. Izzatillaev and A.U. Vakhidov, “Power Supply and Renewable Energy Sources” Department of “TIIAME” National Research University

During the course, the skills of heads of departments and professors of higher education institutions that train personnel in the field of energy were improved in terms of scientific and technical analysis of energy efficiency in electrical networks (using Fergana region as an example), the use of renewable and secondary energy resources.

On the second day of training, an excursion was organized to the support and traverse production workshop "Temir Beton", the central workshop for transformer repair and a number of other workshops that are familiar with the achievements of Fergana enterprise of regional electrical networks in recent years. In order to get acquainted with the work being carried out to study energy consumption, a visit was made to the 35/10 kV substation "Logon" in Fergana region.

In the afternoon, the excursion was organized to a traveling fair, by the governor of the Fergana region, in order to get acquainted with the preparations, being carried out for the successful holding of autumn-winter period this season.

Besides that, industry representatives exchanged ideas with the representatives of the energy sector, regarding solving problems arising in the work process and professors on energy field discussed ways to solve such problems and use the experience of underdeveloped countries, gave their recommendations regarding the possibility of translation.


                                                             Press Service of University