
SDG17. Partnership for the Goals

17.2 Relationships to support the goals

The university has direct and indirect involvement in makes input into local and national government, nongovernmental organizations SDG policy development – including identifying problems and challenges, developing policies and strategies, modelling likely futures with and without interventions, monitoring and reporting on interventions, and enabling adaptive management through faculty members actively participating as members of the public and expert groups under the different level of the government. Besides, researchers develop recommendations and policy briefs for the government bodies according to research results, introduce new findings on case based scale as an option.

The university regularly organizes conferences and workshops with involvement representatives of science, education, outreach, NGOs and practice. (http://greencentralasia.org/en/posts/1603259067/1025)

The university is active participant of international collaboration and conducts research projects related to gathering and measuring data for the SDGs. Examples of such projects include:

- The SDGnexus Network project. The SDGnexus Network is a global community of universities, research centers, and stakeholders committed to promoting the agenda 2030 for sustainable development. The SDGnexus Network is a part of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) "Higher Education Excellence in Development Cooperation - exceed" program and, as such, it aims to strengthen higher education for enabling effective and innovative contributions to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations. The Network is funded by the DAAD from funds of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation (BMZ).

The SDGnexus Network has three main objectives:

Establish a common research framework through joint research projects between our network partners.

Qualify the next generation of scientists as agents of change.

Promote exchange and collaboration between our network of higher education institutions and extramural actors.

The SDGnexus Network is composed of seven core partners in Colombia, Ecuador, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, and Germany, together with a supporting network of thirteen collaborating partners that will contribute towards the achievement of our project objectives.

- "New Master’s Degree Curricula for Sustainable Bioeconomy in Uzbekistan” (BioEcUz) project. Project goal: to create a study curriculum, where the best international practices in development of the bioeconomy will be integrated and demonstrated, this stimulating Uzbekistan’s stakeholders to modernize national economic, where paradigm change will appear – low efficiency, unsustainable use of resources and cheap labor force will be shifted to bioeconomy, where knowledge and innovation are applied and better jobs are created

 - .. many others (http://international.tiiame.uz/en/page/Loyihalar

The university is active participants and partner in SDG related international research projects and partnerships (http://international.tiiame.uz/en/page/Loyihalar; https://tiiame.uz/en/content/universities-partnership-water-cooperation-and-diplomacy). This is one of main focus areas of the university.

Moreover, the university has signed Memorandum of understanding and collaborates with over 10 NGOs. (http://hm.tiiame.uz/en/page/esrb-Hamkorlar).


17.3 Publication of SDG reports

The university publishes Sustainable Report against all SGDs.

Sustainable Report of the NRU “TIIAME”.


17.4 Education for the SDGs

The UNESCO Chair on “Water diplomacy, water resources management and environmental protection” at the “TIIAME” national research university functioning as a platform of interdisciplinary research and education for sustainable development. (https://en.unesco.org/themes/water-security/chairs, https://tiiame.uz/oz/node/5013)  

The university as a body have dedicated 10 courses that address sustainability and the SDG (http://hm.tiiame.uz/en/page/esrb-O'qitiladigan_fanlar)

Our university as body have dedicated outreach educational activities for the wider community, which include alumni, local residents.